my latest pipe pick up. country gentleman mm, P&B freehand estate, filters, pipe cleaners, a tin of hunter blend Labrador and Retriever, a a tin of Ashton Guilty Pleasure.
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my latest pipe pick up. country gentleman mm, P&B freehand estate, filters, pipe cleaners, a tin of hunter blend Labrador and Retriever, a a tin of Ashton Guilty Pleasure.
I picked up 2 estate briars at flea markets this weekend. Gonna give my first try and revamping them.
The salt/alcohol treatment seemed to work well.
We'll see how they smoke in a couple of days. :)
Couple things I picked up while the forums were away!
St. Paddy's Green Shannon Airport Bulldog. Restoring this one now.
My Golf pipe for this year and some tobacco samples.
I have about 6 or so more estate pipes coming at some point through the mail...I've been on a bit of a PAD rampage lately....
i have been trying to hunt for afew more estate pipes
Just got another 10-pack of Missouri Meerschaum seconds. I actually bought 2 to split with a guy at work. Will post a pic once we've split them up.
i have heard great things about the seconds grab bags!! i was actually looking into the morgan for a shooter smoke and would be cool if the shank could be cut to make it more like a nose warmer lol
My latest purchase was a Angelo pipe, Peterson of Dublin De Luxe Mixture, Sweet Killarny, Sherlock Homes and Mac Barren Modern Mixture tobacco. I was sceptic about the Angelo and saw mixed reactions on the net about the pipe but to be honest, I'm surprised with this pipe! I'm still breaking it in but it is giving my Peterson Barrel a bit of competition.
@Tony78 quite the haul you got there!
You're a brave man posting pics of all those Penzance tins publicly. You're gonna have people hunting you down now :p
As promised, MO Meer pron:
My haul consisted of:
1 General
2 Diplomat straights
5 Washingtons, 4 straight 1 bent
1 Pony Express, and
1 Mark Twain
Note, only 9 are in the pic - I gave a Washington to a guy at work.
@Bruck great General score!!! I have bought around 3 of those bags and have yet to score a General in one!!!
My PAD problem continues....pipe #4 in the last 2 weeks and I have 6 more expected still...
late 1930s - early 1940s stub Custom-Bilt.....I love it....I can't wait to start to restore it!!!
Sorry for the poor lighting.
I just ordered the Cobbit Elf and Shire pipes from MM. I'll post a pic of them when they arrive.
Acquired this estate Wally Frank natural finish bulldog on the bay. (my first estate purchase)
Just needed a cleaning up. Will finish spiffing it up when I get a chance.
Thanks, I love me the Custom-bilts. You'll love your General. It is the best smoking cob I own.
This made me laugh....pretty sure I bid on this very Wally Frank. Either that, or it was the "Buy Me Now" one waiting on my watch-list!
Great first estate! Looks really clean, and you will love that Wally. They are great pipes, a lot of them made by big manufactures for Wally Frank.
I may just have a Wally Frank of my own coming in the next couple know, since the Bulldog I wanted got away from me :p
I'll post a pic of mine when it arrives, sometime next week I believe :D
a bag of Esoterica Stonehaven from 2012
I ordered one of the Missouri Meerschaum's new churchwardens, The Wizard from MM. Just got it in the mail today but don't have time to post a pic because I am on lunch break.
I like my pipes the opposite of the way i like my women
old and dated
Its a old Fischer pipe
dated to be around the 40s/50s
I was wondering if anyone would recognize the avatar :)
I figure I'm part yooper. Mom's a yooper. I partly own a place up there. We get up there about once a year. It might be fun to get together for a herf when I'm in the D. Are there any cigar lounges around?
I recognized it, Bruck. I'm from here...
Attachment 192
The PAD attack continues....
Took a stab at this ebay lot...seller had little to no idea what they had and the description was terrible....but I saw the Stanwell crown on one and a Custombilt-esque one so I took a gamble and won.
Turns out I was right about the is a Royal Danish. The Custombilt looking one is a Fieldstub and the other is a no name "Silver Knight."
The Silver Knight looks like it has a little crack repair where the stem meets the mortise. That is where the silver band comes in...They're all filthy but I am hoping they all clean up well and smoke great. Time will tell. Probably will end up selling them to feed more of my habit haha.
I just picked up 5 tins of Escudo using our new discount at @FamousSmokeShop .
'Cause sometimes you just have to fix a rough week by giving in to a little TAD! :-)
Just received a 10 pipe grab bag from MM. 6 Legends, 2 bent, 4 straight. 2 bent Mizzou. One straight Country Gentleman. And one that appears to be somewhat of a hybrid. It has the bowl of the Wizzard Cobbit with the bent stem of a Country Gentleman, and I can't find a flaw anywhere in this pipe.
It just got delivered to my job.
A MM Huck Finn, a MM hardwood, 3 oz of Lane 1Q, 2 oz of McClelland Red Cake, 1 tin of Ole Shennendoah Barrel No. 76, 1 tin of Ole Shennendoah Bootlegged and misc. supplies (pipe cleaners, a tamper etc.).
Ready to get home and partake. :)
Todays order, added a tin Black XX thanks to @Branzig Review.
My first pipe and baccy order showed up today
Man! Get a couple imperial stouts in you, and you never know what might happen!
Apparently, I also bid on about 20 pipes on ebay. Luckily, I've only won one for about $20! :hopelessness:
Nice order there!!! Got some real good ones in there :encouragement:
Since @Nature stole my Wally Frank, I had to pick up this one :p
The ad said that is has a Cumberland stem under all that oxidation....I don't think that is a true statement now the I have received the pipe....kind of a bummer...guess I'll know for sure in a couple days when I start to clean up all these pipes I have laying around :chuncky:
That is a nice looking pipe @Branzig I like the grain and the rustication.
Nice pipe @Branzig !