A tin of 2013 Tilbury and a tin of 2013 Margate
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A tin of 2013 Tilbury and a tin of 2013 Margate
So...my first meerschaum came!! And god damn is it HUGE. Totally didn't expect the chamber to be that big, even after reading the dimensions.
Here she is, boys.
Any recommendations on what to smoke in this monster? Does meerschaum need a break in?
First off don't smoke fingers,,,,it tastes bad !
I don't think a meer needs a break-in.
my churchwarden will be here tomorrow...but today I bought a blue floral ceramic with a brass bowl liner...
Attachment 2556........................Attachment 2557
@LandonColby : No they don't need breaking in. You will want to prevent a cake from forming by wiping out the bowl with a paper towel occasionally. That is an impressive meerschaum pipe!
Idk about the pipe but that's a cool looking table you got.
post MOAR PICS of the table!
Got my P&C Pipe tobacco of the month package today and am pleased with it.
Sutliff Westminster tins
Borkum Riff Limited Edition 2014 (with California wine flavor) tins
MacBaren Modern Virginia pouches
Seattle Pipe Club's Mississippi River bulk
There's two of everything because I do the double option. There are four of the MacBaren Modern Virginia pouches because they are only 0.71 oz. each.
Got two Lepeltier clay pipes in the last few days from Ebay! One of them (the one with the pheasant) is unsmoked and came with the box and a brochure.
The Kaywoodie is coming along nicely. It needs a little more fine sanding on the stem. I left the burn mark on the rim; not sure if I want to sand that much away.
Got these two tins in today.
It is just slight, but it has definitely burned away a small bit of the front inner rim. I'm not too worried about it. It is a really old pipe, and it is turnout out to be really nice.
Is it preferable to leave a little bit of the discoloration of the stem, or better to take it all the way down to black? I'd rather not take off too much, if that would end up hurting the "value" of the pipe (I know it isn't worth too much, but I want to know the right way to do it).
Bought me some Escudo @$7.53 per I couldn't say no.
Hi Bryan,
You have the right attitude, treat every pipe as if it has value because certainly they do to you.
Examine the pipe and see what you can do and know what you can't do (like tenons). I try to take off all the oxidation except on the barrel of the stem and the nomenclature where I do what I can without risking rounding or mismatching stem/shank or removing the logo. If the stem looks pretty beat up then it's better to err on the side of caution.
Never go below indents that are moderate or deeper else you risk the integrity of the stem. When the stem allows you can often shape the button and bite to your preference when you're removing oxidation. If you're unsure, always use a higher grit (finer) because you can always use a heavier grit to remove surface but you can't put it back.
I use (think I mentioned this) padded finger nail files for lower grits and then micro mesh pads and these 3M Zona papers (price just dropped)
The Zona <5 grits (finest 2-3 papers) are great for the surface of the bowl as well as the fine polish. Give a shout if you have questions.
A few of my recent cleaned up estates.
A Woody's marked acorn.
A Czech pipe
My first Canadian made Brigham that will accept one of their rock maple filters, a 459 Chinook.
My reward pipe from @NeverBend for the blind review contest. A BB&S Barling second Lumberman. The pics don't do this one justice.
Attachment 2741
An un-marked briar
My wife informs me it is my Mothers Day gift.
Yep, I'm in trouble,,,,,,again .:cower:
That Bro, is a honest to goodness wind cap.Used to keep the ember protected from wind and rain, and keeps sparks from escaping.
I had a Swiss pipe that had one and it disappeared awhile back, I've been looking for this style cap for about 5 yrs, finally my search ends.
My new Capitello showed up today. Pretty dirty, gonna need some love. If I wasn't so lazy I would post some pics of it :p
Also acquired an old Meer that a friend of mine is insisting that I restore for him. Not really mine, but it is currently in my possession :lol:
Moonshine Pipe for Austin Texas Pipe Club 2015 club pipe
Picked up this pipe tool at the Knoxville flea market today. Got carried away and paid $5 for it (talked him down from $7). It's kind of beat up but it's one I've never seen before.
So is this proof of yours and @Tgs679 Escudo addiction?
Just got this 1960s Kaywoodie to restore. I absolutely love the look of this type of bent bulldog. It'll take some work but the flaws appear to be surface-level only.
Ebay Seller's Pic
Here's the related thread, which will be updated when I have pics to post: http://www.cigarbum.com/forum/showth...9565#post59565
I've been looking to add another Giancarlo Guidi made Mastro de Paja (1972 to early 1982) for some time. This is a 1979, with the old logo (Mastro de Paja in block letters inside an elipse) and during Giancarlo's era they were usually (always?) marked with the year of manufacture. Before 1975 the quality could be inconsistent but by the time that this pipe was made they were the virtual equivalent of the early Ser Jacopo (silver around coral logo) pipes.
Pretty radical bent (for me :) ) but a nice bowl, good size and looks to be in great shape. $49.99 but shipping (from Italy) was $17.00.
Hi Ropey,
I came across this Kaywoodie rhodesian that I thought you might wish to look at:
It does need a good clean but it seems sound otherwise.
Thanks for the link, think I've heard of those being called Bull Moose pipes?
Bull Moose and Bull Cap are (classically) straight pipes. The Moose is heavier and usually a taller bowl. The Rhodesian is similar to a Bent Bulldog but it has a rounded bottom (as in this pipe). The straight counterpart to this pipe, properly, would be a Bull Moose. I don't know that anyone would mind if you called this a Bent Bull Moose.