Been looking at the camouflage Savinellis for a while now at my local shop.
Had to bring one home with me today.
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Been looking at the camouflage Savinellis for a while now at my local shop.
Had to bring one home with me today.
I have no idea what I'm doing or why I'm doing it, but I did it anyway. I picked up 21 pipes along with a 10 ct pipe stand yesterday at an estate sale. It was either a great buy or my village just got a new idiot.
∆ well that ought to keep you busy for a while. I don't think Fuente makes any pipe blends tho...
Hahaha, I thought Fuentes were pre-rolls. That would be pretty expensive pipe tobacco though.
I don't think most of these pipes were smoked very many times, so sanitizing,'basic cleaning and polishing should be all that's required according to the videos I have watched. After watching about 15-20 vids on cleaning, polishing and loading the bowl and how to light and smoke, I am anxious to get started. Tonight I will begin the salt method of cleaning a few bowls and soaking the stems in oxyclean. I will continue until all are ready to be smoked. After a few are ready I will begin sampling some tobaccos.
It doesn't matter. Even the most expensive pipe tobaccos are a mere pittance per smoke when compared to smoking even middle of the road cigars. You could smoke nothing but Penzance and Stonehaven at eBay scalper prices; i.e. $60.00 per 8oz bag and still be under a buck a smoke.
That fact is appealing. I also am attracted that having a smoke doesn't require over an hour. I don't know if piping is something that will grab me, but I'm willing to give it a good shot. But I'm still gonna smoke my usual 3 cigars a month and hopefully smoke fewer cigarettes.
Well, when I sit down to smoke a pipe it's usually about an hour or more but I usually smoke flake. If you're looking for a sub for (shudder) cigarettes, get a pouch of 5 Brothers, or score some D&R Picayune. Those are shag cut so they burn quicker and are higher in vitamin N than many other blends. I smoke those very rarely because they remind me of cigarettes and I generally shy away from shag. Might be right up your alley tho.
Congrats & good luck!
Like you, I like a guick smoke so still smoke cigarettes. 😒
I've been blessed by a few of our piper Bums but it just hasn't stuck yet.
My dad used to smoke a pipe long ago and if your looking for something with a good aroma, there's a lot to be had in the pipe world.
Again, good luck.
Thanks Brian. I remember my dad also smoked a pipe off and on when I was a wee lad and my grandpa smoked a pipe multiple times daily. Right now I have been focusing on sanitizing and getting these pipes ready to smoke. I found a tin and about 6 baggies that have various tobaccos in them that were completely dry. I searched how to rehydrate pipe tobacco and got them all started last night. They were better this morning but I think still too dry, so I am giving them more time. I am still a ways from loading a bowl, but cigars have taught me a great deal of patience. We shall see if pipes are my thing.
Also something to keep in mind, if you smoke a pipe for a few minutes and put it down, then come back to it a couple hours later, it still tastes good. It's not like a cigar at all in that respect.
And hey, anything that results in less cigarettes is a good thing.
These are at my local shop all new to me, any recommendations
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FVF and Grousemoor are nice. Grousemoor tastes like it has lemongrass in it, reminds me of a tea. Best Brown has a strong following so I'd probably pick up a tin or two just to cellar if it were me but I've had it and found my tastes lean more toward FVF. Perfection mix I've never had and the reviews aren't all that stellar. I think Skiff mix is an English... Were it me I'd pass as I already have plenty English ribbon cut and really prefer flakes. However it's probably quite good.
Full Virginia Flake is phenomenal.
At the shop downtown for now
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Picked up this Stanwell at a local flea market the other day.
Not bad for $18
It should clean up really nice.
Pretty excited today.
I went to our local B&M's yearly Christmas party today and the wife told me she'd been meaning to get by there and pick me up a gift certificate for Christmas, but hadn't made it to Little Rock. And for me to get myself something while I was there.
So here's my gift from Mrs. Cool Breeze. It's a Savinelli St. Nicholas. The stem is absolutely gorgeous. If my memory serves me correctly, this is Savinelli number 8 or 9. They've all smoked phenomenally and I don't expect this one will be any different.
Aged Italian Briar Wood Pipe
Stupid PayPal sent the payment as an eCheck, so it took several days to clear my bank, and PayPal still shows the payment as pending, so I don't know if they have gotten their money yet and can ship Monday or Tuesday.
Got no response from PayPal customer service.
I think it's really nice looking, and was 50% off from the Rnatreasures sale I posted a thread about for others to get a great deal on a pipe. Can't beat a 50% off of everything sale.
Also get a randomly selected Algerian Briar Pipe for free as part of the sale too.
Paid $31 with shipping for 2 brand new pipes. Can't beat that.
Can't wait to see they have shipped and see them in person. I don't think I'll be disappointed.
Also, their customer service is outstanding. Never heard of the company until I got an email about the sale, but I have no doubts after talking with them that they are legit and carry quality finished and unfinished pipes that I may have to try my hand at sometime. I enjoy woodworking, staining, polishing, etc so it would be right up my alley.
I friggin love tobacco!
No name pipes, but nice looking and as long as they produce smoke, I'll be happy for the $6 each I paid.
I friggin love tobacco!
Rustcated Savinelli Roma 513 KS
I friggin love tobacco!
My Aunt and Uncle got me a Pipes & Cigars gift card for Christmas. No cigar offerings were jumping out at me so I was just browsing and found this beauty. The Necromancer.
And I had to get some Gurkha Pipe tobacco to try.
Had to make a purchase since MacBaren is going away.
Old Dark Fired has always been a favorite so I had to stock up a little.
I got the tins in a trade with a gentleman on another pipe forum, and got a pound of bulk from Pipes and Cigars.
I got the bulk stuff jarred up. It's not enough to last a lifetime but I smoke a lot of different blends so it will last a few years.
Of course, I'll keep trying to acquire more through trades and such, but for the most part it will be history. Sad times. First McClelland and now MacBaren.