Marc... Those sticks look amazing. Someday, with enough practice, I hope to be able to roll a stogie that could hold a candle to those.
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Marc... Those sticks look amazing. Someday, with enough practice, I hope to be able to roll a stogie that could hold a candle to those.
Brohiba Batch 26:
Mostly CT Broadleaf wrappers; a few Ecuador Shade, and a few Cameroon. Not my best looking batch - the CT broadleaf is not pretty, but it sure has a nice flavor.
Brohiba! looking good!
Those look fab, Bruck. Do you roll with whole leaf you buy, or do you grow your own? One of my goals in life is to roll some of my own cigars with self grown tobacco. I've grown tobacco a few times before, but only a couple of virginia varieties for the pipe. If I could roll as good as those you've shown, I would be really happy with myself!
Tnx vm! I buy whole leaves from various suppliers, happy to point you in their direction if you're interested. No, I don't grow my own, maybe if I move to a place with actual dirt someday.... :) A friend of mine who's a big time backyard gardener offered to grow some, but upon looking into it, it just wasn't worth it with the small quantities we'd be able to make, particularly when I can get decent already-cured and fermented leaves for $12-25/# (a pound gets you abt 30 cigars on the average).
As far as rolling well, I'm a piker compared to some on this and some other forums I've been on. What you're looking at is my #291-307. My first 20 or so were absolutely awful looking, but like anything you get better with experience.
Good to see you're still at it! (it's an addiction)
I've also discovered the delights of both CT and PA broadleaf. The PA oscuro maduro wrapper is also excellent value.
Here's my latest 'box press' efforts using an inexpensive home made press...
Attachment 3766
Attachment 3767
Smooth cap you got there Don! I don't remember seeing that one.