rød hals
Opening the stem and draft
Awhile back I picked up a Bruce Peters bench made pot at an antiques store.Got home
and gave it a deep cleaning (I thought).I used a dremel to clean the bowl down to clean
briar,scrubbed the vulcanite with oxyclean and scouring pads,cleaned the airway until I
could pass a pipe cleaner thru cleanly.And it smoked ,,,,ok.Had a bit of gurgle and no matter
the pack I had a couple relights. Tonight I took a small drill bit just a tad bigger then the
draft opening and using pliers I hand drilled the opening to about 9/32.(that's if I read
the bit box correctly)The stem had a stinger,one of the twist in ones that had been cut off,
and with a slightly maller bit I managed to ream it open a bit further and the stem as well.
then using the smallest bit I have I worked the bit end so a PC would pass very easily.A quick
wipe down and swab in the bowl and That old pipe smokes like new.Easy draw,no gurgle,and after
40 minutes no relight.I would like to thank
,the book you sent is full of good advice and
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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