That Feeling When...
It's your birthday and you want to have a nice cigar after work...
but then you remember you live in Iowa and it's going to be -20 outside
and you don't have anywhere indoors to smoke...
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Royal Bum
That has got to suck, I thought I had it rough with it being in the 20's this morning.
Happy Birthday
Have a Happy Birthday!! Hope you can find someplace to enjoy that cigar!!
Lucky Bum
Do suppose it slows the aging process when you stay frozen half the year? Happy Birthday. Enjoy
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
Hoosier Bum
Happy Birthday!
Sorry for the lack of indoor smoking. I know the feeling. I have to drive 25 minutes to the closest B&M. -15/-20 here today as well. Good luck!
Lonely Wandering Bum
Happy birthday brother. This is a thread to my own heart, because my birthday is tomorrow, in Illinois, where it will be cold as balls.
Fuente Fanboy
Remember Benghazi, and ALL the traitors.
Lifetime member of the NRA
Freshly Homeless
I know the feeling brother. I want to smoke tonight but its supposed to be a low of -3 with a -22 windchill. Let's just say I'm still considering smoking despite the temps. Oh, and happy Birthday.
Thanks for the nice posts guys, I appreciate it. I do actually have a local B&M I can stop by but I don't like smoking there, you have to buy their cigars and they don't keep them properly stored (I've seen mold on more than a few). So I guess if I really want to smoke today I can, I just didn't enjoy it much the last time I was there and that defeats the purpose.
I keep telling myself: two more years and the GF will be done with grad school and we can move somewhere warm. Unless I get the job I'm in the process for and then they can send me anywhere for three years.
Happy early birthday Chiefilliniwek! I'm about 2.5 hours from Chicago, I actually work in Rock Island, IL but I live on the Iowa side of the Quad Cities.
Nevermore - that's about what it is here, it's only -20 with windchill, thankfully. It's gotten close to that real temps a few times and it's not ok. It's actually warmed up a bit (3 degrees and -9) lol.
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Had a similar problem a couple weeks ago on my birthday...only got into the 50s that day...had to start a fire in the pit on the patio...
Happy Birthday!!!