• Question about Sir Walter Raleigh
  • Question about Sir Walter Raleigh

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  1. #1
    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    Question about Sir Walter Raleigh

    So I got a wild hair the other day and was thinking about how Prince Albert and Carter Hall are really the only 2 OTC tobaccos that I've had that I enjoyed. I've tried Half and Half, and hated it.

    So I'm thinking that I need to try a few more, so I stop by the local tobacco store (not a pipe or cigar shop) and see what they have. I picked up a tin of SWR. Just the regular orange and blue pouch, not the aromatic version.

    It doesn't taste bad, but it is really dry and burns really fast. I was wondering if this is the norm for SWR?
    I mean, it damn near crackles when I pack a bowl.

    What moisture level does it usually come at?
    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

    If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain

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  2. #2
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    My dad used to smoke it all the time and I would often times open a pouch and smell it, etc. I remember it being moderately dry but not crackly when you smoke it. But then again, it may have been made by someone else back then.

    SWR Aromatic is a very good blend too. It's called an aromatic but it's not like some typical goopy aromatics; it appeals to a lot of non-aromatic smokers. I'm not much of an aromatic smoker and SWRA is on my top ten list.

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  4. #3
    Wow, Someone Knows Me
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    it's definitely drier than any other OTC I've had. which is partly why I like it, less humectant/PG content. but I wouldn't quite say it's crackly dry, at least I've never gotten a pouch like that.

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  6. #4
    Bummin' Around
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    SWR is my favorite codger blend. A long time ago on another forum, I ran a taste test of everything from PA and SWR to Granger and Mixture 79. Middleton, Walnut, we tried them all. PA had a strong following, but SWR appealed to me way more. Still have it now and again.

    In related news, has anyone tried the Hearth and Home Mid-Town blends? I might have a go at some if they sold in smaller quantities, but I can't order from P&C at any rate.
    Last edited by Desertlifter; 12-01-2017 at 11:38 PM.

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