Golf Course Bum
To screw or not to screw ?
Hey all - don't know that I've ever seen this as a post topic so thought I would toss it out and see what the experts do.
Somewhere long ago I saw a post with a picture of a stogie smoked down more than I thought possible by screwing a plain old screw into the end. Pretty effective and allows you to get those last few puffs without burning the fingers, similar to something I'm told is called a roach clip I think ? Tried it and it works great and since then I've had a nice long 4" screw here on my desk that I use specifically for this purpose. Long enough to even "hook" it over the ashtray.
What else do you guys use to avoid burnt fingertips ?
Surely you big B&M (none close to me sadly) smokers don't walk around carrying a screw in your pocket ?
Do I need to put a screw in my car and can I handle the insertion while driving ?
What other creative things do you guys use to go low ?
No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !
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Lucky Bum
Leatherman on occasion. But I've heard some folks throw it in a bowl! Any old cob will work.
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
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Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Formerly known as MDSPHOTO
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
I was under the impression that the pointy end of a divot tool was actually for nubbing a cigar.
Around the shop I've been known to slip them into the 12 point box end of a short end wrench.
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Golf Course Bum
Thanks gents. I knew I was missing some cool stuff.
Never would have thought of a corn cob holder or a box wrench.
Have used a divot tool and golf tee but that Stogie Toy is pretty nice looking and looks like it would fare better in the pocket than a corn cob sticker
No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !
Wow, Someone Knows Me
There was a gent on the old site, Hekthor who made handcrafted pipes, still does for all I know, but he also made some nice cigar accessories. I personally have one of his nubbers with a screw-on cap in the blue/black acrylic. Awesome pickup.
I'm not sure if he still accepts orders on these, but here's the link anyway. http://hwiebepipes.com/5.html
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Hairy Cigar Fairy
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
Originally Posted by
Thanks gents. I knew I was missing some cool stuff.
Never would have thought of a corn cob holder or a box wrench.
Have used a divot tool and golf tee but that Stogie Toy is pretty nice looking and looks like it would fare better in the pocket than a corn cob sticker
Ohh Indeed, Indeed