I'm a little adult ADHD. (self diagnosed) So I can't sit still when there is nothing occupying my mind. I spent the first 3 days or so when Puff went "puff", in the grips of withdrawal Then I wandered the internet in search of a new passion. I settled into several forums on woodworking (an old habit where I have spent no time or money since getting addicted to Puff) and started putting together a list of projects and material to fill the hole in my schedule. I have a full power tool shop at home in MA but nothing here in NY where I spend the majority of my time. This time I determined that I would concentrate on hand tools and old techniques and try to eliminate the whirr of high speed motors that might annoy the neighbors. So far I have the base of my short woodworking base constructed out of scraps and cut-offs that I piled into the smoking room (2000 Maxima) on my last trip home.
I'm hoping the new distraction will keep me off of the devils site and curtail my $400+ per month expenditure on burnable assets and maybe eventually give me something to use as gifts or a second income stream. But really it is just another way to spend time and money at this point. I have my eye on hand tools and hardware that will help finish my projects and round out the capabilities of my bench to firmly hold the wood I'm working with. Hopefully the cigar savings will fund my new passion.
Not to worry. I have enough burnable stock in my humidors and Igloodor to last me through the year and probably next year too.
Did anybody else find something new to explore?