I broke the see saw!
Worst cigar you've ever smoked
I know we have done this other places but damnitt it hasn't been done bum style!
Mine macanudo Hyde park. Was the first cigar I ever smoked and if I didn't have a friend to get me to try another cigar I would have gave it up right then and there.
Now brothers let's hear them
Pissing off people since 1973.....and getting better everyday
Bummin' Around
Bummin' Around
"La Finca". Finca must translate to sour vomit hay.
Lonely Wandering Bum
Great question! I've smoked a fair number of underwhelming cigars, but in terms of being so bad I HAD to pitch?
The two that come to mind are:
1. Nub - cameroon maybe? IDK, they're all terrible
2. CH Four Kicks. Huber made a lot of shit before he started riding My Father coat tails. Mule Kick was the exception. Drumsticks were decent.
rød hals
I made the mistake of getting the Dominican Blind Sampler,you can take your pick of the worst from any of them.There is one small stick,the "Cedar Fresh",hard draw,nasty taste,disgusting flavor,great gag to see my son try to smoke it.....
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
I broke the see saw!

Originally Posted by
"La Finca". Finca must translate to sour vomit hay.
I freaking laughed out loud at sour vomit hay. Maybe one of the retailers could use that in their description
Pissing off people since 1973.....and getting better everyday
Ridin' in a BoxCar
Chuck Norris and James Belushi's Lone Wolf Cigars.
Royal Bum
Dominican Blind Sampler I almost made that mistake the price was sweet. neighbor bought it and he is still trying to get rid of them...probably the worst I had was swisher sweet I found junking a chevy it was so bad the sweet stunk like some women's purse and the draw was so hard I almost lost a lung, no matter what I smoked and what candies I sucked on the rest of the day all I could taste or smell was that nasty swisher sweet. couldnt buy one for years after that.
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Ropey thanked for this post
Lucky Bum
Hell I was probably so drunk I thought it was a good one anyway!
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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Bummin' Around
This. Good cigar but not nearly what it's cracked up to be IMHO...
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