Going to try infusing a couple sticks
I have 3 Gispert Casino III's left from a 5 pack I picked up a while ago and just can't seem to like them that much. Good smoke output and good draw but just don't seem to care for the flavor I get from them so I decided I'm going to try infusing them myself. Probably won't turn out as well as I'd like but I figure it's better than them taking up room in the wineador if I'm never going to get around to smoking them.
I bought some Kicking Horse Grizzly Claw dark roast coffee the other day and the beans are quite oily so figured they'd be a good starting point. I ground them up and mixed in a little cocoa powder (doubt it'll help any because of the lack of moisture to transfer but worth a try). Then took an empty tic-tac container and filled it half full with vanilla extract. Put the sticks in, covered them in the coffee/cocoa mix then settled the vanilla in off to the side. Tossed in a 69% boveda to help keep the mold away. Figure I'll check in on it whenever I'm around it to make sure the vanilla isn't causing moisture issues.
Going to give it a month and give one a try and see if they've taken any flavor from it. Not expecting much from this but figured it's worth giving it a try. Anyone ever have any luck infusing your own?