I know that pipe tobacco is usually stored simply in airtight packaging without humidification. However, the cigar-smoking part of me chafed at this idea so I did a little research.
Thought this was an interesting read, a German Transport Information Service publication on the storage and transportation of tobacco. It's an excellent "Cliff's Notes" on tobacco in general:
Specifically, it gives these two sorption isotherm graphs with regard to RH and water content of tobacco, Oriental and Virginia:
http://www.tis-gdv.de/tis_e/ware/genuss/tabak/abb21.htm"The main problems in transporting tobacco result from its hygroscopicity: conditioning of the tobaccos with respect to their water content (10 - 12% Virginia, Burley, 12 - 14% Oriental) is tightly specified. If the relative humidity is excessive, the tobacco absorbs so much water vapor that it becomes a nutrient medium for molds. Mold, mustiness, mildew stains and a musty odor reduce the quality of the tobacco. Oriental tobaccos are the most sensitive of all tobaccos to the effects of moisture. Their sorption isotherm shows that, at water contents of 12 - 14%, these tobaccos are at equilibrium with relative humidities of 60 - 65%. If the water content is higher than the recommended values (14%) or ventilation is inadequate (dead air zones), mustiness and decay may arise within just three days due to the mold Oespora tabaci."
So by eyeballing the graphs, here's an approximation of the related moisture by weight of the tobacco vis-a-vis the RH in which it's stored. I had to average the water weight of the Orientals and Virginias, which differ slightly at the same RH (the Virginias suck up less water):
58 RH: ~12%
60 RH: ~13%
*62 RH: ~14%
*65 RH: ~15%
*69 RH: ~16%
*72 RH: ~18%
80 RH: ~21%
The starred humidities above have Boveda packets in that RH.
If you have a blend with a higher proportion of Virginia-like tobaccos, a higher RH could be used. With a higher proportion of Oriental tobaccos, a lower RH would likely be called for.
In short, if I were going to store my pipe tobacco with active humidification, I would likely use Boveda 62s. Of course, if you want a drier or wetter smoke, the RHs would be adjusted accordingly.