Pamplin Civil War Era Clay Pipes
Pamplin Civil War Era Clay Pipes
I gave this pipe its own separate review because I just consider it to be so unique and interesting. This one not only came with an information card- but an entire sheet of helpful knowledge when I bought it from Penn Valley Pipes. Pamplin, Virginia is only about 75 miles from me and I have visited the High Bridge State Park there a number of times to cycle or run. I was a little anxious about how the reed stem would be on this, but for $12 I figured it was worth a shot. The bowl itself held a 35-45 minute smoke, and while the walls are moderately thin, they are textured and so you can always hold the pipe by the bowl without being burned. The shank is much thicker and the reed stem fits surprisingly snug. The stem itself is very stiff and has about a 1/8” diameter hole. The draw is nice and open, even when packed firmly. Because the stem is hard, perfectly round, and smooth I found it to be a bit unusual to clench. I was able to do it, but found the pipe wanting to turn in my mouth so I found holding it was the best method. The pipe smoked cool and this clay seemed more absorbent than that of the other pipes I smoked. I smoked the wettest blend in this one, and it didn’t gurgle once. It was as if the clay heated up with the first light and dried the tobacco ahead of the embers getting to it. A pipe cleaner easily threads the stem and after it cools the reed can be removed (though I store mine with it in). Overall this was a really fun little pipe that is all the more enjoyable because of its age and authenticity. I’m not sure how many of these the guys at Penn Valley bought out, but for the price, I can’t imagine you would be disappointed with snagging one or two.