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Sam Gawith Black XX Twist
I posted this in the What Did You Smoke Today thread, then remembered that we have a review subforum, so I'll repeat it here:
Having a cobful of Gawith Black Irish XX. Here's my review on tobaccoreviews.com:
I tried a little experiment before smoking this stuff - I shaved off all of my chest hair. Sure enough, after one bowl it all grew back!
Seriously, Black XX is not for the newbie or faint of heart. I like to slice off a coin or two when I feel like a good kick in the pants. Flavor is strong, not at all sweet, rich, leathery, and nutty. I don't get that feeling of having my mouth coated with plastic that I get from other ropes.
Others have noted the rather off-putting appearance, so I won't dwell on that. My only issue with it is the difficulty of keeping a good burn going.
This stuff makes pretty good chaw, FWIW.

(image stolen from elsewhere on the net...)
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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She's a beast! I love Brown Bogie and Rum Twist, but Black XX is its own thing.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I have a couple tins of Brown XX that I bought several years ago and I've never tried it. Maybe it's time to dig one out and give it a go. Do you jar it after opening or just keep it in the tin?
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Originally Posted by
I have a couple tins of Brown XX that I bought several years ago and I've never tried it. Maybe it's time to dig one out and give it a go. Do you jar it after opening or just keep it in the tin?
I jar it. I've only bought bulk, but if you open a tin, I recommend jarring it thereafter so it doesn't dry out. Looks like a specimen for the doctor - don't mix them up
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Ridin' in a BoxCar
Bruce, do you fold your coins and stuff 'em or rub 'em out? I can never keep the Gawith full coins burning so I have rubbed out all my ropes for a while.
Unique smoke for sure and agreed, not a bad chew either.
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Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
Bruce, do you fold your coins and stuff 'em or rub 'em out? I can never keep the Gawith full coins burning so I have rubbed out all my ropes for a while.
Unique smoke for sure and agreed, not a bad chew either.
Idk about Bruce but I do not like the taste of the ropes rubbed out. I cube cut a thiicker coin and dry them thoroughly, then gravity pack. They still require relights but the taste is much smoother IMO. They're too harsh to me rubbed out.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Originally Posted by
Bruce, do you fold your coins and stuff 'em or rub 'em out? I can never keep the Gawith full coins burning so I have rubbed out all my ropes for a while.
Unique smoke for sure and agreed, not a bad chew either.
I usually rub them out to improve smokeability, but I'll have to try
@Emperor Zurg
's advice & try smoking coins.
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Ridin' in a BoxCar
I was thinking the same thing.
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Actually that's my experience with good VA flakes as well - keeping them intact as possible while stuffing the pipe does bring out the flavor better. But... is challenging to keep lit.
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans

Originally Posted by
Actually that's my experience with good VA flakes as well - keeping them intact as possible while stuffing the pipe does bring out the flavor better. But... is challenging to keep lit.
That's been my experience as well with flakes and coins. A gentle fold and stuff provides a much more enjoyable smoke than rubbing it out. Takes a few extra lights but the flavors I get are well worth that minor inconvenience.
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