These are some estates I've come across in the past 6 months
Berkeley Club
This is a final Sasieni second that was never stamped with the company’s name. It does have a “London Made” mark on one side of the shank, under the name “Berkley Club”. There is also a letter “B” within a circle at the end of the stem, immediately before the tenon. The bowl on this pipe is on the larger side of medium: almost 1 ½” deep and 1” in diameter. This pipe has a fair amount of cosmetic damage, but it’s a great smoker. I can get a solid hour out of it in the car and the bowl’s walls are thick enough to stay cool. Nonetheless, it is light enough to comfortably clench when necessary. The draw is open and the drilling is lined up perfectly for a thick pipe cleaner to slip through. This is a sitter which is always a nice feature. Overall I think this “second” is right in line with most Stanwells I’ve smoked, and definitely worth the money I paid for it on Ebay.
Old England
This pipe is almost a carbon copy of the Berkeley Club with only one design difference- the walls of the bowl are slightly thicker. All the dimensions (length, height, bowl capacity, etc.) are identical, and the finish is a bit nicer, IMO. The tenon fits snuggly and it feeds a pipe cleaner perfectly. The weight is a little much for constant clenching, but it is still a good pipe for the car. I’m curious as to the age difference between this and the Berkeley because I wonder if they were producing basically identical pipes under two names at the same time, or if one preceded the other as the “factory second of the day”. Of the two, I prefer the Old England slightly more due to the finish and the thicker bowl. I think I paid around $30 for this one.