A while back I posted about how I stumbled across auctions for a number of NOS (new old stock) Dr. Grabow Color Duke and Color Viscounts, and how I have had a number of estate versions over the years. I wanted to pull together a few pictures and give a general review for these two models because they hold special interest for me and they are common enough on the ‘Bay that if anyone was interested they could land one for themselves. I currently own 5 (3 Color Viscounts and 2 Color Dukes).

Both models came out of the mid 1970s as an inventive solution for briar that was acquired by Dr. Grabow but did not meet appearance standards (grain) for becoming a natural finished pipe. The primary difference between the two lines is that the Viscount line used removable stingers, whereas the Color Dukes were fitted with standard Dr. Grabow filters. Both took advantage of the patented “Adjustomatic” treading system for the stems. This is a thread set-up which allows the stem to be turned clockwise indefinitely once it is snugged. As such, if the stem becomes slightly cockeyed, you just give it a turn to straighten it and the threading can never become “loose” and cause the alignment to be off. Both pipes were offered in a variety of styles and colors from straight billiards to full bent apples. The colors available were: white, yellow, orange, red, blue, and green. I have seen one advertised as pink, but I think the person who listed it just took a crappy picture of a faded red one

I have removed the stinger from all my Viscounts, and do not use the filters in the Color Dukes, and they all smoke wonderfully. In spite of the painted/glazed finish on the bowl, it breaths well and do not become excessively hot. When modified as mentioned, a cleaner passes easily through all of them and I have yet to have on gurgle (though I cannot claim to have smoked a bent pipe from these lines). These pipes were made through the late seventies, and possibly a few were run in the early eighties. I found my NOS ones for under $30 a piece on the ‘Bay from a collector who was liquidating a collection of 100s of pieces. Average price for an estate seems to be between $20 and $30. I will warn that I have broken the “Adjustomatic” stem on one in the past. The glue that held the treaded section in the stem came loose and I was unable to unscrew it from the shank. For that reason I tend to leave them together unless I’m doing a deep cleaning.

Overall I think they are a fun novelty, and the fact that they smoke well is icing on the cake. I love Dr. Grabows anyhow, but these are a nice addition to any collection because of their eccentricity alone. It was everything I could do not to buy up the gentleman’s entire collection of over a dozen the other month, but prudence won out, and I’m very pleased with the ones I have.

Here are some pics of mine, if you made it this far- thanks for reading!