Peter Stokkebye 315 Black Coffee


Ribbon Cut Burley, Cavendish, Virginia

Pouch note: Sweet rich full aroma of coffee and (to me)caramel

moist lights easily but drying wouldn't hurt

Room note: N/A smoked outside

Smoke was full and thick,also had a distinct tartness like a good
varity black coffee does.I don't know how to descirb it better than
that.This is a drink that doesn't need sugar.Had a little bit of
toung bite but slow easy draws keep it in check.With just a few tamps,
it smoke all the way to a fine gray ash with no dottle.

This is a fine aro, not too heavy and with a good flavor.I'm glad I
pick up enough to jar a bit for aging.Might help,might not,but I'll
have a bit to enjoy for a while.
