Tobacco: Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. Rum Flake

Pipe: My Wally Frank "Navy Flake" Pipe

Prequel: Been sitting on this Rum Flake for a while and decided to do an impomptu review of it! I received this sample as a freebie in one of my tobacco purchases, I think from 4noggins maybe, and on this crisp evening sitting in my garage and drinking Rainer; I figured it was time to try this sucker out and share my thoughts.

Tin Note: Reminds me sort of a strong rum-filled chocolate candy. The topping is very potent and takes the upfront of your nostrils. The only tobacco smell I get is hay like VA on the end note, this appears to be a full blown rum-aro from the bag.

The Smoke: This flake came ready to smoke. I decided to rub it out into an almost ribbon cut consistency because that is what the tobacco seemed to want. The initial light took easily and it maintained its light well throughout. The mouth feel was wispy and creamy over all. Good smoke production.

Flavors: From the first light there was a strong rummy and almost spicy flavor that took over at the front. As it heated up, the rum flavor started to die down and the spiciness from what I assume is fire cured burleys and native VA's that GH&Co are so fond of using started to shine through. Moving on to the half way point of the bowl, the flake starts to become very rich and creamy, almost like a sweet spiced dessert. Moving on to the final third, this tobacco mellows out into a super smooth and light VA. Still very creamy, but not as in your face spicy and rich. The overall nicotine hit was what I would consider mild.

Conclusion: GH&Co never cease to amaze me. It seems like every flake they put out is just top notch quality and tastes like nothing else on the market. I liken this tobacco as a ramped up, more in your face Navy Flake from any other producer. The thing that surprised me most was probably the spiciness of the overall product. Another thing to note is the fact that this is borderline a full blown aro. It is going to ghost a pipe I believe. As in almost every GH&Co product I have ever smoked, that essence seems to rear its head here and there throughout the bowl. By no means is it soapy or floral, but there are hints of it hiding in the tobacco, no doubt from the machinery that GH&Co use in processing. Overall, I would say if you are looking for a Navy Flake on steroids, that this is a tobacco you should check out.