Thanks for keeping the info flowing guys. Anything else you guys think of just throw it out here. You gotta love this forum. The single best source of info for us lovers of the leaf. No matter if you like it rolled up or cut up a guy can always get his questions answered here!!

I did put my name down for the Noob sampler trade so I'm gonna order up a couple cobs and see what this hobby is all about. When I find a willing EPS im gonna have fun.

Seems like such a great hobby and a way for me to re-connect with childhood memories of Hero's gone by. The uncle I refered to earlier was on the beach on D-Day. I never once heard of him speak of that time. I can't imagine what those brave young men saw that day. He will always be a hero in my book. My first bowl will be dedicated to that man and all the men who have came and went before and after him. I love this country!!
