rød hals
Originally Posted by
Matt, very good discussion because pipe smoking is all about the pack and how you handle it while smoking.
Thank you Pete
Packing is something I'm still learning,especially when changing between different cuts and moisture content. I tend to have more problems
with a meer than a briar,I've had to unplug both due to actually stuffing tobacco into the airway.Now my one and only cob has smoked like
a champ with the first bowl. I have to admit there will be more cobs added to my rotation.
Lakeland Bum
Originally Posted by
Thank you Pete
Packing is something I'm still learning,especially when changing between different cuts and moisture content. I tend to have more problems
with a meer than a briar,I've had to unplug both due to actually stuffing tobacco into the airway.Now my one and only cob has smoked like
a champ with the first bowl. I have to admit there will be more cobs added to my rotation.
You probably already know about it, but Missouri Meerschaum Company sells a 10-pack of seconds for $29.99. They have an X on the bottom made with a Sharpie, but other than that they are good smokers and it is hard to find the flaws.
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rød hals
Originally Posted by
You probably already know about it, but Missouri Meerschaum Company sells a 10-pack of seconds for $29.99. They have an X on the bottom made with a Sharpie, but other than that they are good smokers and it is hard to find the flaws.
That's the plan,I figure on ordering two packs later this summer,just depends on how work and bills go.