Wow, Someone Knows Me
Pipe Newbie Cow Grading System
There have been a lot of questions about the coveted Universal Cow Grading System (UCGS) - Is it honest? Is it fair? Is it subject to bribes? Is it a reliable measure for the forum consumer? Are there worse grading systems?
The answer to all questions is a resounding "Yes."
In the main...
1-cow = pretty darn good performance
2-cows = excellence performance
3-cows = out standing in your field performance
If you are ever unsatisfied with results from the UCGS please contact the Office of the Ombudsbum for a hearing. The UCGS, developed by agricultural experts at Michigan Sate University, is probably the last word in what it means to be out standing in your field.
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
I'll see your cow and raise you a big bale of hay

... replete with a chewy center
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Hoosier Bum
Three cows huh. I will have to up my game. I am currently cowless and Old McDonald is not happy.
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
The old system involved a panel of judges and "10-cow must" scoring. Too complicated. Just know that 3-cows are not for everyone.
1792 Flake Enthusiast
I submitted several blends for review weeks ago & these so-called "agricultural experts" still haven't issued a final moo-review.
Maybe I mailed my bribe to the wrong address.....
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Whoo hoo! 3 cows this morning!
Nothing like starting out on the right hoof.
Angus is a God
Did someone mention cows?
Just an old Gorilla now Bumming around
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Wow, Someone Knows Me

Originally Posted by
Did someone mention cows?

NOW I remember you.
Lonely Wandering Bum
I hope now cows were injured in the production of this thread.
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
I hope now cows were injured in the production of this thread.
Why? Do you have something against Now Cows?
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.