True Derelict
Hae-bombed! (Apparently, I have a thing for working in the bomber's name!)
This afternoon, my wife texted me that I had 3 packages waiting for me when I got home, so I had quite a hard time focusing all afternoon!
The trifecta of packages covered my most-beloved hobbies:
1. A new front tire for my motorcycle
2. Five pounds of green coffee
3. An exceptional bomb from
We really love good coffee in our house, but number 3 was, by far, the most exciting!
sent an amazing package.
C&D Big & Burley
C&D Morley's Best
C&D Pegasus
Newminster Denmark
Milan King's Ransom
Sutliff Black Cherry
Sutliff Mild & Mellow
Sutliff Golden Cavendish
AND a sample of the VERY old Mac Baren Virginia #1!
I am very grateful, and very excited!
Thank you, Haebar!
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Royal Bum
great hit...I see he must found his pants...
Haebar is on a bombing spree!
Full-on Scraggly Bum
Lakeland Bum
You are welcome Bryan! I hope you enjoy smoking them!
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Lucky Bum
Great Hit, Perfect Timing! Have great weekend BryGuy SC. Let us know which one pairs well with the green beans?
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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rød hals
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
Hoosier Bum
Haebar has been on a Bombing streak this week. Very nice!
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
RIP Don DeBusk, I miss you more than you’ll ever know my good friend.
Bummin' Around