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B-day bomb
Just About A Week Ago
sends me a note, "if I remember correctly you like Captain Black.?
And I in all innocence replied "HELL YEAH" I ah-hmmm Why Yes, I enjoy Captain Black.
(insert visual of Charley Chaplin dancing)
Well he then responds I have a few pouches that I don't really care for,send me an addy
and I'll pop those babies over to you.Well of course I sent him my addy,think it may have
started a fire along they way,not sure,buttttttttttt.Anywhose I made a bad mistake at this
point in the conversation,see I just had a B-Day and this was like a present from Santa in the
summer.George then,well he gets his CB on ! so he sent me a message that it was on its way.
Today I went out to get the mail and an armored car pulls up and throws a box at me then
is gone before the sound wave hits.To give you an Idea;
This is what I was expecting,

Maybe this ;

But Noooo It kept growing;

UnTIL, It BLEW UP In me sweet Lil face !

Seeing hows Nightcap tastes so GOOD,I'm looking forward to trying these other Dunhill blends.
And the CP Royal,Gold and Cherry are non exsistant around here so they will be a new
expeirience as well.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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