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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Man O' War Dark Aged Maduro (Robusto)


    There's a fine fella', goes by the name @Tombstone , who was most generous by including this in his recent bombing. I told him I was gonna smoke the Enclave first, and technically, I did, but I only smoked about...maybe an inch...and not because I didn't like it. I'll save the back story of THAT Enclave for another date, but rest assured, I'll get another Enclave soon and dedicate that review to you as well. Much thanks for the smoke. Hope you enjoy the review.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Can't remember if I've had a MOW. I get these confused with the Ave Maria line because the bands share an armor theme. I like knowing it's: dark, aged, and maduro - three of my favorite cigar traits. I'm thinking he wouldn't steer me wrong, so it's gonna be a nice smoke.


    Silky. Very nice combo of lightly smokyness and chocolate. Not peaty. No pepper or spice - and that's not a diss. Nice white, flaky ash. Clean flavor. Kinda mellow and rich. The draw is tight, and I don't think I'm not getting all that should be there. It eventually opens up more as I pinch and roll. There's something I can't put my finger on that's more present now - kinda cookie-ish, kinda makes me think bakery - and it hits me - FRESH DOUGH AND BUTTER. Very nice, my bums. Still kinda tight though.


    Yep - smoky cookies. Smoky f***in' cookies. That's what I think. More doughy than cookie, prevalently, but the chocolate is melded with the smokyness, and you get that yeasty kinda pop.


    I always thought MOW would be bullshit, mostly due the name and band theme. It's like how we see the Jolly Rodger or skulls n' bones logo on everything "tough" nowadays. I'm a man, believe it or not, my bums...but I don't need or want "tough" branding. I do tend to judge the stick based on it's wrapper (and general appearance), and have learned that's my judgement can be wrong. That's the gist here with this stick. I could ramble on more on this subject, but I'll save you the ear-beating. Just know that I was wrong, and I'll probably keep continuing to judge, but will do my best to give it a fair trial.

    2/3 cont.:

    More doughy, buttery and now salty butter as I hit the 1/2 mark. And by the looks of me, you could tell I love my dough n' buttter, my bums. I'm a doughy kinda fella, and this stick is making me crave a nice buttery pastry. The smokyness and chocolate combo are more in the background now. Residual is a tad dark flavored, and clean...not really sure what or if I taste anything that stands out, but it does become more acidic the more I think of butter and dough. Still tight, and I'm still not sure if I'm getting all this stick has to offer. Still solid white, flaky ash and a clean burn line.


    I'd say up to this point, it's been a medium to medium-plus, kinda robust, a tad bold, kinda mellow, defintely dark tasting, and pretty tasty. The flavors drop off, so let's try a purge. I was tasting something sharp and a little acidic before the purge - kinda reminded me of the Keg in that it was a tad mustardy. I don't know about my bums...but mustard and butter and dough...IS A NO-GO. The purge brings back that nice, yeasty, doughy flavor right away, along with a savory butter. Yummy, yummy, in my fat (but in progress to be thinner) tummy. God damn it feels good. Just kinda hits the spot - know what I mean, my bums? Still kinda rich but mellow with the smoky chocolate. A superb melding overall. Sadly, I gotta speed this smoke sesh up, and wrap it up soon. Gonna continue smoking, but am wrapping the review up with about two inches left. I'll post later if anything new comes up.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    A very nice and interesting smoke. Looked up then pricepoint - 6 or 7 bucks a stick (CI). Hmmm...yep I'd buy it for that. Not sure if I'd place it high on the buy-list, but that pricepoint is fair. Definetly recommended. Overall the smoke was a delight, but the draw was pretty tight. I was wrong about the brand, and this stick makes me want to search through my humidor for the other MOWs I bought a while back, and got from @Tombstone , and run through em' and use this stick as a reference. Overall a great stick, Ryan, and I want to send my thanks out to you again, and commend you on this selection. Now, my's time throw this bun in your oven...or mouth...preferably the mouth...
    yes, your mouth...and as you know know, I am the one to judge...but just don't let me know where you place you bun...OK?

    Last edited by chain_gang; 08-25-2020 at 04:13 PM.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Glad it was not a dog rocket for you. On sale you can normally pick up MAW less then msrp and foe the price I tend to enjoy them.

  4. #3
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
    Glad it was not a dog rocket for you. On sale you can normally pick up MAW less then msrp and foe the price I tend to enjoy them.
    Figured you could get a nice discount or double dip with a sale, and that's where I'd try to get em.

  5. #4
    Full-on Scraggly Bum
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    @chain_gang check out man o war side projects. Find them on cigar bid at good price. Pretty tasty ones imho

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinoa2 View Post
    @chain_gang check out man o war side projects. Find them on cigar bid at good price. Pretty tasty ones imho
    I may have one sitting from a while back. Time to go fishing through the tupperdore!

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