Scruffy Nerd Herfer
Walt Disney World breva
A while back I acquired a box of three Walt Disney World brevas cigars. I actually wanted the box, so the cigars were a bonus. I had (and still have) no idea how old they are, or how they were stored, but I figured I'd give one a try after a month or so in the coolidor. Yesterday I opened them up to try one. You'll get to walk through the process with me ...
As I said, I don't know how old they are, but take a look at the original price tag still on the outer cellophane wrapper. How long since three cigars cost $1.80 - especially at Disney World?

Here's the rest of the box, wrapping removed:

I opened the lid for the first time ... would the cigars be OK? Dried-up mummies? Beetle dust?

And here's my first look!

Not too bad so far. I took one out for closer inspection ...

Still looking good! Outside we go to light it up! As you can see, it lit just fine, and started burning very evenly. Lots of thick smoke. The flavor was fairly mild - dry wood on the draw and creamy sweet on the aftertaste.

In the sunlight I could see an evenly-spread, white, almost a little shiny, dusting. Plume?

You can see it here, as well. Still burning evenly, drawing perfectly, and tasting of wood and cream.

Pretty durable ash ...

But not invincible!

From this point on I had to smoke really carefully to avoid overheating and the attendant "off" flavor. A couple of gentle purges helped, too. With the right care, some nice baking spice and the tiniest bit of pepper added to the creamy aftertaste.

And that was the story for the rest of the smoke, taking us here:

Took just over an hour to smoke, and it was a very enjoyable hour. Not a knock-yer-socks-off cigar, but a nice memory of simpler times. I'm looking forward to burning the other two, but I'll let them sit and chat with some of my other cigars for a while first. They probably have a lot of catching-up to do ...
Insert witty comment here ...

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Sticky B,
Tobias Lutz,
yourchoice liked this post
Very nice. I can see why you wanted the box. Nice littke bit of cigar history there. I'm glad they still appear to be in smokeable condition as well.
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That is a nice piece of nostalgia there!
I don't think I could have brought myself to smoke one though..... I know, I know, cigars are meant to be smoked!
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"Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."
― Maya Angelou
Go Vols!
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Scruffy Nerd Herfer

Originally Posted by
That is a nice piece of nostalgia there!
I don't think I could have brought myself to smoke one though..... I know, I know, cigars are meant to be smoked!
I know what you mean. I had to think very carefully through all scenarios. In the end, I don't collect cigars. So, my choice was to smoke the cigars and use the box as planned, or try to sell it intact for a profit. And between those choices, I couldn't turn down the opportunity to smoke them. Even though there was a really, really good chance they would be in terrible shape.
I'll use the box to carry small cigars when I need to transport my own smokes. When it's not used for that, it'll serve as a stand to display my Disneyland Tobacco Shop matchbook, and others that I acquire. There are two more versions of the matchbooks that I've seen, and I intend to get both of them eventually, along with any others I can find.
Insert witty comment here ...

Formerly known szyzk
"Cuban seed tobacco".
White ink on wrapper.
They look to be, what, in the range of 6x47?
I'd bet money that you have some JC Newman cigars stuffed full of Dominican tobacco right there!
And just like that my ignorance and quick-to-judge demeanor shines like a beacon in the night!
TP-102 was the Villazon factory in Ybor, and dollar to donuts your cigars were made using Honduran tobacco. All the signs above point to JC Newman but the devil's in the details.
Last edited by AndyCAYP; 01-29-2016 at 02:46 PM.
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Scruffy Nerd Herfer

Originally Posted by
"Cuban seed tobacco".
White ink on wrapper.
They look to be, what, in the range of 6x47?
I'd bet money that you have some JC Newman cigars stuffed full of Dominican tobacco right there!
And just like that my ignorance and quick-to-judge demeanor shines like a beacon in the night!
TP-102 was the Villazon factory in Ybor, and dollar to donuts your cigars were made using Honduran tobacco. All the signs above point to JC Newman but the devil's in the details.
Interesting - thanks for the info. I hadn't even thought about identifying the factory.
Insert witty comment here ...

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Advisor to Bum Wanabees
There should be an award for random, obscure cigar reviews.
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Waiting on Octember 1st
Awesome simply does not describe this one, Mike! Very nice.
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Rail Yard Prophet
Very cool! I'm heading to WDW in about a month, didn't know if it was stogie friendly or not these days. I wonder if anything like this is still sold at the theme parks.
Disney branded cigars, lol!
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