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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Viaje Zombie Antidote (2021 / Lonsdale)

    Deceptive strength. There's a strong ligero that's revealed almost entirely when the smoke is expelled. Really enjoyed this quality, and it's there pretty much throughout.

    Very linear taste profile, and not full of flavor. The main taste seemed very similar another Viaje I've had - the Super Shot (can't recall gauge and year). There's a certain creamy-ness to it. Very earthy. No sweetness. Probably more woodsy-earthy.

    Reminded me of the Rojas puros included in the HTBAC Specialist Volume #1 (the small cigars constructed with only one type of leaf), and probably the Jalapa region in particular.

    Solid throughout, but it became less interesting as I progressed.

    Superb construction and burn. Slow burning, and no touch-ups needed.


    A bit disappointed, but I need to smoke more Viaje as it seems most of the sticks I've smoke by them are similar tasting, and maybe this is sort-of Viaje's thing. I'm sure I'll give future editions a shot and stick with a single, but I won't be a part of the hype until I've had more Viaje.

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  3. #2
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Maybe that's why the band is so big: no need to remove it, you'll be bored by the time the burn reaches it anyhow. They did manage to market it with a catchy name tho...
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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