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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Trinidad Reserve (Belicoso)

    Intro / Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Had the Trinidad Espiritu awhile back, and enjoyed it. Besides that, I never noticed the brand until I became a Bum. I'm thinking the Reserve will be another good stick by Trinidad, and put my radar back on the brand.


    -Nice and steady pepper on the retrohale. Never a nose bomb; not a dash of pepper; but I'd say right in the middle.

    -The pepper is carried stream-like along with a nice, kinda creamy smoothness.

    -Not complex - and that's not a diss.

    -Solid flavor throughout.

    -Nice draw. I've been playing with the cut recently, since I've been inconsistently running into draw issue. I V-Cut this stick, probably 1/2 between the cap end and the cap seal. It was a decent draw at first, but ultimately I made a second cut at the cap seal, due to it getting tight.

    -Burn was good. Kinda went back and forth with being a little off, to burning unevenly, then back to even. Had to touch-up once, or twice; and blow through the cap a couple times - really not a big deal to me.

    -Not sure if my pace was too slow, but it seemed to tunnel. Knocked off the ash to touch-up a couple times and noticed it. Another non-issue.


    -Becomes more buttery. It may have been present before, but not as noticeable until around this point.

    -Becomes more savory. I started to think of a nice au Poivre sauce.

    -Had to toss shortly after getting into the 3/3 - only due to it's length and time dedication needed to finish, and not because I wanted to.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Great smoke - wouldn't mind having more stocked. Already looked into more by Trinidad - didn't find much other than the Espiritu, Rerserve and Cubans. Looks like the Reserve can go for a steal at less than $3. I wouldn't mind at all paying that. Nice quality to price ratio.


    Nicely done with this great stick. Thanks again!
    Last edited by chain_gang; 09-28-2020 at 12:41 PM.

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    Royal Bum Brimy's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    This is another Marca that blossoms with som rest/age.

  4. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post

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