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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Tatuaje Reserva (Petite Tatuaje / 4.5 x 32)

    - Medium-ish profile.

    - Purist-esque. Pretty much just tobacco flavored, but it's quality tobacco, and very enjoyable.

    - Signature Tatuaje spices. Not a lot. Not hints, but a little more. Nice on a slow retrohale.

    - Resistive draw. Did open up after some rolling. Thankfully the stick was supple.

    - Kinda smooth overall. It was never harsh, but it approached kinda rough at times. This may have been due to the draw, and I did have to relight it once. Could've also been my adapting to the pace with this cigarillo / small panatela sized stick.

    - Overall smoke time: about 40-45 mins.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It was a good stick, especially for it's size and price. Most of the issues may have been due to the draw. I'd definitely check out another or a fiver, especially due to it's size and price. I'm liking these smaller sticks, and it's good to know what's good among the smaller sizes for the colder seasons approaching. Recommended.


    Thanks again! I'll definitely check some more out!
    Last edited by chain_gang; 10-07-2020 at 08:44 AM.

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