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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Tatuaje Nuevitas Jibaro No. 2 (Toro)

    [Review Preview]


    Early mornin' smoke, and probably the earliest for me. Got some online work to do, and it will be mindlessly boring. Figured I sit here with our good friend, Ol' Petey.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Been wanting to try the Nuevitas line, but been hesistant since I was told it's a mild-plus to medium kinda smoke. I'm thinkin' it will be a good morning cigar.

  2. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Kinda different from my other reviews, as this will just be a collection of notes I typed while reading and taking a course online:


    •Oranges or citrus
    •Maybe cinnamon
    •Nice tobacco flavor
    •Very loose draw
    •Nice white ash and clean burn line
    •Clean residual, with a bit of tobacco


    •More spice noticed
    •Citrus still in background, but not as noticeable
    •Medium now
    •Hint of orange peel on the residual
    •Kinda herbal
    •Draw becomes much better around 3/3
    •Made me think of a taste reminiscent to a combo of Drambuie, spiced rum, and a Hot Toddy - spice/herbal wise, minus the honey.
    •Purged a couple times - once above and once below the band, due to a drop in flavor

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It was OK. Flavor-wise it was pretty good for what it was. The draw was super annoying, and I would have enjoyed it much more, had it not been so loose. I'm not a Toro guy, and would've rather had the No.1 (Robusto), but the No.2 was all the B&M carried. Pricepoint wise, I think it was around $8-10, CI says $9; and I'm more on the side of my mind that says I wouldn't buy it again for that cost. I will give the No.1 a shot, but only if I can find a better deal. It is recommended to smoke, but would advise against purchasing at the MSRP.

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