Surrogates Cracker Crumbs (4.5 × 38)
Definitely animal cracker taste. Are you surprised? I was, because it wasn't a hint, but it also wasn't like eatting the heads off your favorite animals.
There's a whole lot going on, besides that, but god damn did they nail it on the giraffe's head here with the naming...
Full bodied. FULL of flavor. Lots of spice; maybe some pepper, but it's subtle if was there. Probably a combo of baking spices - nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, and others. It's intermixed nicely to where it's kinda hard to discern an individual piece.
The retrohale is pretty intense with all the spices - but it's not spicy=hot spices.
Lots and lots of lingering, heavy smoke threads.
TREMENDOUS pull. I wish all my little cookie sticks pulled this damn well. Effortless and small pulls bring LOTS of intake.
Trial By Smoke Judgement:
An outstanding cigar that truly lives up to it's name. This little stick really packs a head chomper, and I was not expecting that here - but was wow'd that it did. Highly recommended.
Thanks again for the Cracker Crumbs!
Last edited by chain_gang; 10-11-2020 at 12:34 PM.
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