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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Romeo y Julieta Romeo San Andreas (Robusto)

    Intro / Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Went to the B&M, and asked for recommendations and stuck to them. I think I've had one RyJ Romeo, maybe the red one. The bums advised against the RyJ brand...BUT I've got a decent record with the recommendations from guys at the B&M. Let's see who wins this round...


    Full bodied. Pretty good San Andres taste. Pepper and chocolate on the retrohale. Nose gets a nice cut. Residual isn't bad nor good, just a dark taste with a little bitterness - maybe ground dark roast coffee. I'm not lovin' it, nor disliking it. Overall smooth, but the residual throws it off. The chocolate was a nice pairing with the San Andres. Not complex. Kinda single-noted, but decent.


    Profile steps down along with the highlights of the RyJ RSA - SA / chocolate / pepper. Residual isn't bitter, and is still coffee-ish, so theres a win. Becomes blandish, and purging helped a bit at first, then back to the bland. The major highlights of the 1/2 dwindle away leaving ground dark roast coffee as the major highlight, and isn't bad...but also not very good - just OK. Smoked her down to the nub.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement & Mental Notes:

    Compared this stick against the Tatuaje ME amd ME2. Overall both TMEs are way superior with the San Andres flavor and are about the same MSRP. It's the only SA stick I can reference, at the time, because nothing else SA comes to mind. It's funny because this week has been heavily Cigarbid-addicted, since I'm restocking for the future while my soon-to-be-purchased first box arrives from the warehouse. I was bidding on the RyJ Anejo and something else Romeo. The RyJ RSA would be good for Cigarbid, not MSRP B&M. I lost the Romeo bids, but I think the $3-3.50 pricepoint would be justified, based on what I would spend normally for the $5 range. Recommended to the bums if this pricepoing could be "won", or else, well, find something better for you money, MSRP-wise. Looks like my bums were correct.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 07-25-2020 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Royal Bum josh lucky 13's Avatar
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    Most of the cigars with cuban counterparts just are not worth the price. They may not be bad but will seldom if never wow you. There are so many other cigars in their price range that you will want more. Save your money and search other brands for a stick that may wow you.

  3. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post
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