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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Rocky Patel Flor De San Andreas Black (Robusto)


    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    It'll be a decent medium-plus smoke, which is something I want for the amount of time I have to kill. This may be the final of the fiver I got awhile back on Cigarbid for about $8. They've been decent, considering the pricepoint.


    Nice San Andreas taste. Medium plus profile. Draw issues, began immediately. The SAB (San Andreas Black) is densely packed, and was stubborn to loosen. Had to pinch and roll the entire length multiple times, which ultimately yielded a slightly better, but still poor draw. Residual is a little similar to low-grade dark chocolate. The retrohale offers a hint of spicyness, and a decent flavor that seems like the blend has yet to meld. The flavor is decently smooth, dark, a little bold.


    Decent burn rate - about 15-20 mins in. A long, but laborous, draw allows the spicyness to nip at the palate. The San Andreas flavor is a subtle background. A tobacco flavor coats the dark chocolate residual. The draw is still poor, and the box press is pretty much tubular now...amd now she's in the graveyard. Whelp, that's it folks. She was stubborn, I'm over her, and I've gotta roll.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Pretty sure this has been the worst SAB from the fiver.
    Don't recall draw issues like this with the rest - she was quite laborous. I remember a better melding of flavors, which was probably restricted due to the draw. I'd recommend checking these out if you can score a price of about $2/each, but I remember these steady around $8/fiver about 6-8 months ago. I won't be back to it, as I've had my fill with the fiver and am ready to go on.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 07-07-2020 at 04:54 PM.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    I buy a few singles of this from time to time. I enjoy them, but have not run into a dud like you described. That being said I would not go for more than a fiver at a time.

  4. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post

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