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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quesada Keg (Lonsdale)

    [Review Preview]


    This one goes out to no other than @cheaphumidors . Let's hope a similar fiasco doesn't arise like when I smoked her Laranja (read that review for details). I want to thank her again for this nice and rustic looking, veiny and densely packed lonsdale.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    First Quesada. Second from our queen. She's got a 1/1 standing in my book, and I believe her average is gonna stay at 100 with this stick. And if it doesn't, well, my bums, there will be plenty of insults to come, but I don't think that will be the case. Only one way to find out, my bums...

  2. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Nice pepper through the retrohale, and a stout-like flavor noticeable on a slow retrohale. Stout beer on the residual. Close to full bodied. The pepper dies down a bit, and turns into a different spice mixture around 1-1/2 inches in. I'm thinking a combo of Christmas spice cookies and German mustard - an pretty cool combo I don't recall with any other stick. It slowly becomes more German mustardy through the nose. A tad tight on the draw. I'm thinkin' this would have been nice with a brat or any kind of quality sausage.


    The more I think "mustard", the more it becomes, but now in a different way. It's course ground German mustard, or mustard seeds. Solid ash, and burn. Was gonna take a pic of about a 3 inch ash, then I started toying with the cut to open it up, the ash fell off and starteled me. The nicotine really hits about 1/2 through the Keg, and I can feel it radiating out of my tummy and chest. Around this point, the Keg becomes very heavy and full bodied. I'm feeling like I love it, but it's becoming a bit much...but I'm no bitch. I purge shortly after the 1/2, and it becomes a little bland, with the mustard gone, but the tobacco bite and flavor is still nice. The overall residual is pretty light, with a tobacco flavor lingering. It slowly builds back up to the mustard flavor as I reach the final third.


    Kinda an acidic residual - but it may just be my body telling me it needs a sausage and sauerkraut (but that's not for dinner). The mustard spice doesn't build up as much, and is more balanced with the tobacco flavor. It took longer than expected to finish, so I was prepping dinner, and puffing about every 2-3 minutes, requiring a couple relights. It finished with a slight mustard flavor, but more dominated by a tobacco flavor. Overall smoke time - about 1.5 hours.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Great smoke. Great flavor or nuance combo. First time getting a mustard taste - and not the bullshit yellow mustard. It's a solid smoke that becomes very much full bodied and robust. Recommended to all my bums. Gonna look more into what this brand offers soon, and look forward to enjoying other lines. Prep the grill with nice sauage, get the kraut to room temp (not that bullshit canned sauerkraut, only legit sauerkraut, my bums), and pull out a Keg - and you're ready to rock and f***ing roll, bitches!

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    Royal Bum cheaphumidors's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    I'm glad you liked it!

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