• PDR El Trovador [Maduro Pack / 3 Robusto Assortment - Review 3/3]
  • PDR El Trovador [Maduro Pack / 3 Robusto Assortment - Review 3/3]

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    PDR El Trovador [Maduro Pack / 3 Robusto Assortment - Review 3/3]



    *A lot of comparisons will be made to the previous two cigars (1975 & AFR) within the PDR [Maduro Pack / 3 Robusto Assortment] reviews. Please read these if you want to understand this review better.

    Initial Stuff:

    Same cold draw. Same worries. Here we go...


    Got about 1/2 inch and had to put it on hold for about 20 mins. Relit nicely. More well rounded than the previous two off the bat (no more bad baseball analogies). The other two seemed like...the blend wasn't as good in the 1/3? Possibly, but I have no real intellect when it comes to blends...yet. So, that's what I'm guessing it is. Nice retrohale, subtle spiciness, subtle spice, and smooth. I'm guessing it's the blend that is similar between the El Trovador (El T, from now on), 1975, and AFR. You can taste the similarities between the three easily. The El T is my favorite so far, but I'm only about 1 inch in (that's what he said). I'm still new here, so we'll keep it PG-13, and soon tread quietly, but quickly into NC-17 territory. She's sidetracking, but as always, my bums, I've got plenty of fuel. Ash was knocked off, and gave her the the ol' click n' stick, right where she likes it (and needed it). She's decent. The El T is approaching the 2/3, and has held my attention much more than the other two ladies. We'll find out if she's a keeper.


    A slow retrohale is where it's at. The oral residual is kinda like low grade, dry chocolate. No nose residual. She's flattening out, and the chocolate residual seems like Ol' Mrs. Dash sprinkled a little ash into the pot (that's two rhyming funnies now...and no more from here in out, my bums). Rest time. Ash was knocked off, again, and....yes, the ashy residual is almost gone. She's getting back on track. A long pull, and slow retrohale brings...not much spice, but still a better melded smoothness of what I believe is the similar blend between all three. They all pretty much have tasted exactly like each other.


    Same thing. I already finished my judgement on it as it crept in the final third, but I'll give some notes. She's pulled just like the other two, but will become better with rolling and pinching. Maybe a little darker tasting with the El T compared to the others...maybe "toasty" fits, if "dark taste" = "toasty" in the realm of characterizing nuances or flavors. The smoothness is back and forth; smooth for a bit, less pleasurably smooth for a bit. Never unpleasant, just less pleasant.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement & Recap:

    Let's say you bought or are planning to buy the 3 Pack, here's what I'd suggest: Have your buddies over, you smoke the El T, and donate the others. I'd say stand-alone-wise, the El T is a better "yard-gar". Maybe $0.50 better, pricewise. I wouldn't recommend this cigar or any of these, unless you're a bargain bin picker, then I'd say, sure, give it a shot, but don't spend more than $2 for the 1975 and AFR, maybe $2.50-$3 for the El T. I'm good on the El T and the other two, they treated me OK, the El T was a tad more hospitable, but I'm looking for something a little better. Best part of the El T: spice hints and smooth on a very slow retrohale.

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    Monster Bum DogRockets's Avatar
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    Nice reviews! appreciate your contributions to the Bum so early on. You're a fine addition to our happy home.

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    Administrator jhedrick83's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogRockets View Post
    Nice reviews! appreciate your contributions to the Bum so early on. You're a fine addition to our happy home.
    Yeah, I'm really digging all the reviews!
    "Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."
    ― Maya Angelou

    Go Vols!

  6. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post
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    Royal Bum SoCal gunner's Avatar
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    I echo my fellow BUM's comments.

    Question for the mods- any idea why his pictures show up on the website, but not Tapatalk?

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