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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    PDR 1878 Natural Roast Cafe (Robusto)

    Slightly sweetend, and light coffee flavor-infused wrapper. The cap end flavors wash away, or are barely noticeable after a while.

    The infusion does give it a slighlty sweetened taste when smoked, and is decent on the retrohale. It's in the background, but can round-out the rest.

    The stick does start kinda mellowed, but strength does kick-up.

    The main body of stick was OK. Sometimes the retrohale was progressive, as in it transitions nicely to body flavors that compliment or are in the scope being coffee-tasting - probably light to medium roast coffee tasting. Sometimes the body is messy and boldish-bland.


    For $1 off Cigadbid, it was a decent stick. Decent enough for me to give it another shot or two. I do prefer this stick over the DE Tabak Red Eye, mostly because of the infusion quality, it being bit more bold, and maybe that this PDR is a little closer to a coffee-taste that I'd enjoy. Recommended for a shot to the Bums who don't mind an infused-change-up.20210111_155127.jpg
    Last edited by chain_gang; 01-12-2021 at 02:24 PM.

  2. Thanks CitizenZero thanked for this post

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