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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Padilla Artemis (Torpedo)

    Intro / Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    First Padilla for me that I remember smoking. I've seen em' all over the place on The Bid for good prices, but I cannot remember winning or smoking one. It's been a brand that I figured I'd get to eventually, and I'm hoping they're good for the "wining" prices I've been seeing. Padilla seems like another brand kinda lost in the budget stick mix, but I'm glad I'm finally getting around to it.


    -Nice flavors going on. I distinctly remember mixture of orange and different spices. It was a little effervescent - in that the taste was a little refreshing, and the orange seemed a little like fizzy pop smell/taste.

    -Medium bodied.

    -Not really peppery, but the spices tingle the nose nicely.

    -Burn was very wonky. At one point the stick "thumbnailed" (don't know if this is a term - but it is now!) - in that the burn sloped down and the ash looked like a thumbnail.

    -Draw was pretty tight throughout.

    -Came back to life after letting it die and sit for about 30-45 mins. Had to purge it, but it came back nicely.

    -It's pretty resistant to over-heating. There were times when the intake wasn't good, and/or the burn was wonky, and I had to double puff and/or blow into the cut. There were times near the end when I got a little experimental on it to keep it burning good by allowing less rest and using more of the above techniques - never got bitter.

    -Tossed around half-way through the 3/3.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It was a good stick overall - I enjoyed it. The flavor's weren't in my preferred wheelhouse - but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone. I'd buy another single for sure. I'd recommend it to the Bums. I don't think I'd pay $6 (CI) for it - I'd rather first get one cheap off the ol' Bid n' Rid and regauge it's price point.


    Thanks for the stick! It was a nice change-up.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 09-29-2020 at 12:18 PM.

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