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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Los Caidos Blue (Torpedo)

    [Review Preview]

    Intro / Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Seen these guys lately at the local B&M, and liked the 80s kinda vibe and simpleness of the wrapper. Los Caidos did an event recently at Emerson's, but at a further location, in a different city. The flyer said the owner or creator worked at Emerson's, and I believe started his tobacco career there. Didn't get a chance to go, but the story peaked my interest in the brand, and I told myself to check em' out.

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  3. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    •Lots of pepper at first, but drops around 1/2 inch in
    •Complex kinda flavor
    •Good melding off the bat
    •Medium body
    •Great tobacco flavor
    •Soft bite lingering on the residual
    •Slight hint of caramel on a slow retrohale


    •Still pretty solid at Medium
    •Still very much a purist kinda flavor
    •Pepper comes back on the retrohale
    •Still kinda complex flavor that is very smooth, and enjoyable
    •There's something I cannot put my finger on, and I like it, but cannot discern it
    •There's a velvetiness and softness to the smoke and flavors
    •Residual is like clean tobacco, still with a lingering bite, and becomes a tad nutty around 2 inches from the nub
    •A nice juxtaposing of pepper and brulee around 2-3 inches from the cut
    •Construction isn't the best, looks like there's a randok patch (see last pic), but overall doesn't affect anything I can tell

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Overall a very enjoyable smoke. I became more of a fan the further I smoked into the Blue. Pricepoint wise, it was around $10, LC gives $1 to 9/11 victims, so really the price is sub $10. It's hard for me to justify the pricepoint for this stick, and a lot of thoughts come to mind that makes me ultimately rationalize and justify the price. I could rant on those thoughts, but will reserve them, unless my bums really want to know. I am going to buy another Blue sometime, and possibly somewhat soon, and also want to check out the Red line. The LC Blue is definitely recommended to my bums.

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