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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    La Perla Habana Black Pearl Morado (Robusto)

    $1 off Cigarbid

    Construction was a little shoddy. There's what seems to be an easily noticable patch in one of the pictures; but really, for a buck, it wasn't an issue.

    Solid and straight burn.

    Nice draw.

    The intial puffs are absolutely superb. I'm not well versed in cameroon wrapped cigars, but I believe it is the cameroon which is the main taste. Afterwards, the cameroon slowly makes it to the background, and nicely rounds out everything.

    There's a little pepper, and I believe a liquorice or sweet leather that's nice on a slow retrohale.

    This stick soon became erratic with bitterness. A hint at first. Then nothing, and all was well. Then picks up a notch, and the cycle continues. The residual became similar to a very bitter espresso. Ultimately, the palate was masked by this bitterness, and it no longer became enjoyable near the 1/2 mark.

    Tossed around the 3/3.


    I've got more of the Morado in the tuppie, and I'm keeping them there till Spring. I believe this line has the possibility to be a real budget stick diamond. No judgement now, but I am very disappointed in how my first Morado turned out, after it began so damn nice.20201228_162447.jpg20201228_162116.jpg
    Last edited by chain_gang; 12-28-2020 at 09:18 PM.

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