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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Joya De Nicaragua Joya Copper

    [Review Preview]


    Firing up the first of many nice looking sticks from our friend, @FireTom .

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Glad to be getting back around to JDN. It's been a while. I bought a Copper off Cigarbid, but it's resting, and was stoked to see this in the herfador that was also nicely included in my bomb. Looking forward to trying it sooner than expected.

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  3. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quick N Dirty:

    Great peppery retrohale within the first inch. Pepper dies down quickly, but it was a nice change up.

    Medium bodied

    Has a nice blending of pepper and something a tad sweet within the 1/3. The sweetness reminded me of caramel.

    Nice draw in the 1/3.

    There was a kinda zing to it in the 1/3 that kinda coursened the sweetness. Not course as in rough, but as in it was slightly sharp, and detectable in the nose fairly easy on a slow retrohale Not sure if it was a "good" or "bad" zing - meaning if it was a foreboding (ammonia?), or if it was supposed to be there. To me, it had an interesting taste when mixed in the pepper and sweetness, and I did not find it unpleasant. The "zing" reminded me of a very slight metallic or mineral taste, and maybe mixed with some kinda fruit. I've never tasted something akin to this, and maybe it being the name "Copper" had some kind of influence on my thoughts - but I don't believe so.

    Into the 2/3, the taste seemed to completely change and the burn seemed a pain to keep fully lit and on track. Flame purging would help for a small while, then it resumed back to the regression. Tossed shortly into the 3/3 because it became a pain.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    The 1/3 was good, but wasn't quite sure about the "zing" that slowly appeared. It wasn't a bad "zing" at first, but may have ultimately been a forbodding. I do think I can chaulk it up to not allowing it to rest after it's trip out East. I've got another jn the humi, and will give it a while before I smoke it - probably another 2-3 weeks, at least.
    @FireTom , I'm gonna say I smoked my Copper, because it was ultimately operator error on my behalf. I'll smoke "your's" somewhat soon, and am sure the review will turn out much better. Thanks again for that stick, brotha. There was something very nice about it, and can't wait to smoke "your's".

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