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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    John Bull The Dark Hour (Robusto)

    $1 guessed it - The Angel's Site.


    For a buck, it's smack-dab right in the middle of the best and worst sticks that I've had (for $1), and that're easily winnable at this price. I believe I found my benchmark for $1, and I appreciated the stick for that lesson. Also got a lot of good chuckles from this stick - and they were well worth the $1 price-tag, my Bums. So, this stick is only recommended for those looking for what I found.


    -Dog turd looking stick. But actually pretty good construction, burn and pull-wise.

    -Initial puffs, and probably the first inch, were kinda interesting. Mellow pepper. Not sure what else was there, but it wasn't bad.

    -Afterwards, mild bodied newspaper and cardboard...with a sprinkle of pepper. Reminisced and got all nostalgic about being a kid; shooting spitballs, and biting and tearing through the very 90s and very cool cardboard packaging holding my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hostage. Well worth the buck for that, and I thank Mr. Bull for that.

    -Tossed at the 3/3 mark - this stick wasn't going anywhere interesting, and I had more than enough of my paper-products tasting for the day.

    -LOVED the band. I wish there was a similar USA band for a stick that just screamed "Murica", like this one does "UK tourist souvenir". Chuckled over how the dog looks pretty uncomfortable being the face of this stick, like he knows it's a...not a garbage stick...but more properly...a recycling refuse stick.

    *pics to come
    Last edited by chain_gang; 04-21-2021 at 01:05 PM.

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