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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Hoyo de Monterrey Maduro (Rothschild)

    $1 off Cigarbid.

    Initial puffs made me think of meat. Not sure why, and it's probably the first time it popped in my head.

    It says it's a maduro cigar, and I didn't really get a traditional maduro taste. It seemed like an arapiraca kinda taste, and maybe that was because that's the wrapper I thought this stick had when I pulled it out.

    Kinda one-note taste - which reminded me most of a couple arapiraca wrapped sticks I've had recently. It's made me think of dirty gravy, but replace the gravy with smokiness - a mixture of pepper and right-off-the-grill-charred-meat-juice...somewhere in this ballpark. It was good, but not as good as I'm describing it, but it was good.

    There were times, more near the 1/2 that reminded me of a spice cookie and/or cinnamon-ish taste.

    Strength and pepper picked up a bit as I progressed.

    Gotta give it a SLOW retrohale to really enjoy the flavors.

    Wonky burn. Probably needed a bit more rest, though.

    Needed a couple touch-ups.


    Great $1 stick, and I think this is another budget Cigarbid gem. I enjoyed it, and it kept me interested throughout. Loved the size. Wouldn't pay the $5-6 MSRP, but would definitely make sure to get as many as I could for a buck on a future bidding run. Recommended to the bidders.20210101_164314.jpg20210101_173444.jpg
    Last edited by chain_gang; 01-01-2021 at 06:59 PM.

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