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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Gurkha Park Avenue Habano (Churchill)

    First Inch:

    - Not really a whole lot going on

    - Mild-plus probably

    - Creamy, and a little nutty

    - Habano taste is pretty good

    - Nice burn

    - Nice draw

    - Pretty good for a Gurkha

    Second Inch or so:

    - Became a little tempermental - burn became a little bit of a chore, but not really bad

    - Flavors went a little bland, but nowhere near what I call the "Gurkha Dropoff", where not to far in, everything becomes bland and diluted. This is a feature noted in many Gurkha's I've smoked and reviewed.

    - Kept with it, but all attention was diverted


    - The mood struck to have some spirits. @Regiampiero kinda influence my selection - Jefferson's Ocean Aged at Sea Bourbon. Had a bottle of this gifted to me a while back from my wife, and I've only sipped on it once. The night was a special occasion, as I was gifted something very nice by a BOTL, so I enjoyed quite a bit for a week night.

    - The bourbon paired well with the stick. The stick was forgettable, but still nowhere near bad, but the spirits brought it to life after awhile.

    - I started posting, continued drinking, and totally took my attention off trying to "find" notes about the cigar. The less I thought of it - the better it became. I simply just smoked it.

    - Nubbed it - rare for me to do with a Gurkha. But I do remember the last 1/3 or so being great, but the bourbon probably helped it quite a bit.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Well, my judgement was impaired, but in THAT mind-state - it was good. I don't think I'll return to it, but do recommend it to the Gurkha Bums. I would say...if you're drinking and want something cheap, kinda light, decent for it's price, and Gurkha - this is it.

  2. #2
    Lucky Bum AlanS's Avatar
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    And next week he’s gonna smoke the Sunday paper folks!
    No seriously enjoy what you smoke, smoke what you enjoy!
    Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.

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    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Fyi, if I don't have something to drink with a cigar or oftentimes with a pipe too, after 15 minutes or so everything becomes bland and dull. It doesn't need to be alcoholic either ( tho usually it ends up being some kind of red wine for me.) Just something with some kind of flavor for a quick rinse and reset. A nibble of sharp-ish cheese will sometimes do it too.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanS View Post
    And next week he’s gonna smoke the Sunday paper folks!
    No seriously enjoy what you smoke, smoke what you enjoy!
    The Sunday funnies do have different ink colors - I wonder how they'd meld with the paper????!!!!

    I do enjoy smoking Gurkha, but it's not something I smoke to enjoy. Sometimes I just burn to learn.

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    Fyi, if I don't have something to drink with a cigar or oftentimes with a pipe too, after 15 minutes or so everything becomes bland and dull. It doesn't need to be alcoholic either ( tho usually it ends up being some kind of red wine for me.) Just something with some kind of flavor for a quick rinse and reset. A nibble of sharp-ish cheese will sometimes do it too.
    I usually just drink good ol' Virginia tap water (sometimes I go fancy with a bottle). I'll sip a rye or old fashioned from time to time, but anything else sweet (tea, juice) doesn't seem to go over well and seems to mask things in the stick. Maybe I'll try the rinse technique sometime. Cheese? I could definitely give that a shot too. Thanks!

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  10. #6
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chain_gang View Post
    Maybe I'll try the rinse technique sometime. Cheese? I could definitely give that a shot too. Thanks!
    I don't mean rinse like that. Just a few sips of something to wash out your mouth. A dry red is good.
    In addition to cheese, nuts are a favorite for me too. Particularly almonds and walnuts. Not peanuts. A peanut is a bean.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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