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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Guardians Of The Farm Nightwatch (Campeon)

    Intro/Pre-Smoke Judegement:

    Second or third time smoking this stick. GOTF sounded good. Was in the mood for a lancero at the time. Had a smidge of imfluence from a recent purchase of @WNYTONY . So I ended up with the GOTF Nightwatch. The review comes two days after smoking, so there's not many notes, but I will be back to the GOTF Nightwatch again, and it will be in this thread.

    Overall Notes:

    Nice amount of pepper on the retrohale. Not a lot of flavors noted other than good tobacco. Medium to medium plus body. I was drinking acouple wheat beers with an orange wedge, so this may have tamped with the residual and flavors overall. It was more purist-esque than I remember. By purist, I mean primarily a straight and great tobacco flavor with not too many nuances - it just highlights the leaves. I had troubles keep it lit, like it was a little "damp". I smoked it immediately after purchasing from the B&M, at a nearby bar. Hit some bitterness a few times, but resting and purging helped bring it back. I ended up tossing it around the 3/3, because I had other less interesting things to do.

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  3. #2
    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    I keep hearing about the guardians one of these days I may have to break down and try one.

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