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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    George A. Rico G.A.R. (Torpedo)


    It's back-to-school time, my bums. Today's instructor: Mr. George A. Rico. Let's see what I learn for a buck.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    $1 of Cigarbid. Only smoking to know the brand first-hand. I won't enjoy it.


    It was hard to tell if it was fully lit. The draw was kinda tight, at first. Had to roll and pinch a lot near the tail, and it became better. There was a unique, kinda funky taste at first. The taste wasn't bad...just different, and I cannot put my finger on it. It went away quickly. Afterwards, the taste had a pleasantness to it, but it was very shallow. There were very shallow hints of habano flavor, honey, and wood near one inch from the foot. My interest jumped, because I figured this was a stick that just needed a little time to become good. However, it remained very shallow until the 1/2 mark, where I tossed it. Almost no residual or tobacco bite. Medium bodied, maybe, or maybe mild-plus. No stength really, either. Gurkha-ish in a way. Kinda made me think of the Davidoff Madison Avenue (reviewed) I smoked on the 4th of July, taste-wise.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    I've learned you don't get much for a buck. I've learned about the brand. I've learned to avoid the brand. And I got 20-30 minutes of a rollercoaster-ish smoke. Actually not bad for $1, if you ask me. However, I couldn't recommend the G.A.R. to my bums. Take this as a free lesson, and save your dollars for something better.

  2. #2
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Maybe the brand should have the prefix 'Yard' as part of the name...
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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