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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Ezra Zion Blessed Leaf Nativity


    Definitely that EZ signature taste.

    Interesting and peppery body. The pepper has been very unique with the EZ sticks, and that applies here.

    Semi-robust, almost bold, yet nowhere near overpowering.

    Pretty woody. More kinda lighter wood, so probably oak. Most likely not hickory. Still haven't gotten a good reference on cedar.

    I remember changing my differential oil, about a month ago, and the smell instantly made me think of EZ. That similar taste-smell is here, and it really goes nicely with the pepper and woody-ness. It's probably a mineral oil, and it adds a very nice middle ground between between the wood and pepper.


    Wood turns more bread-ish, and cereal grain-ish.

    Pepper disappears.

    Tasty differential oil gone.

    Slight roughness on the end of the retrohale.

    Becomes more mild flavored and a subtle cereal grain is the only thing I'm getting. Lots of bland body.


    Becomes more mild and subtle.

    Wrapper breaks off and adds to the drama.

    Tossed shortly into the 3/3.


    Disappointing stick. Starts great and nose dives after the 1/3. It's the only (of 5) EZ sticks I can honestly say hasn't been worth the price. Maybe this was a fluke stick, but I'll never know since this was the monthly exclusive; but I believe I'll pass or be very hesitant on future Blessed Leaf releases.


    Thanks again for the stick!

    Last edited by chain_gang; 04-29-2021 at 04:48 AM.

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