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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    EPC Grand Prize (Robusto)

    Edit: Read this had a habano wrapper, but another site says it's a natural wrapper and that seems correct.

    Can't discern habano
    Medium bodied/flavored
    Little bit of white pepper - small kick amount
    Maybe a bit cashew-y. Seems a bit nutty. Still trying to discern dem nuts, my Bums.
    A slight touch of sweet cream - was getting it mid retrohale
    Nice burn and pull
    Lots of smoke
    Purist-esque - nice light-med tobacco taste is what you mostly get taste-wise

    Pepper downtick
    Still can't discern habano
    Sweet cream here and there
    Kinda the same

    Pepper downtick
    No more sweet cream
    Slight clove
    Slight strength uptick

    Great stick. For a $1 CBid stick - I'm very impressed. MSRP is pretty spot on ($3). This is a nice tosser and budget stick - probably a new favorite. Very nice value. Great tobacco quality. Got a couple more in the tuppie, and I'll make sure these are on the bidding menu, but only for a buck.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 04-13-2021 at 09:52 PM.

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