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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Drew Estate BOTL (Lancero)

    Browsed the B&M earlier and picked his guy up without doing any research, only knowing that I've seen the box sitting there next to the Guardians. I've smoked a couple of the Guardians and liked them, and the BOTL always caught my eye, but I never paid them any more attention than just those couple of moments. Wanted a quick smoke, saw the Guardians, and when they thought I was back, I reached pass them.

    Initial Stuff:

    Found the V-Cut - somehow it made it's way inside the spice cabinet. Gave her a slice, and she's wide open. All I know is the DE brand and BOTL forum and namesake representing lovers of the leaf. It should be good. $10.80 - 12 w/tax. - it better be good.


    Did research, didn't realize it's a broadleaf wrapper. Still have problems discerning maduro and broadleaf. The broadleaf is a little dry and mild tasting at first. The taste is heavy, unadultered tobacco. I'm guessing this BOTL is sticking close to it's guns and moniker with this fella. After deeper pulls and a flame touch-up, the broadleaf shines and a sharp taste that is only characterized by good broadleaf emerges. The pull is nice. Ash is clean. Rich and smooth, yet sharp, tobacco. Nice and spicy on the nose with deep pulls. This broadleaf knows how to bring a little water to the eyes. No real sweetness, which is fine by me. One last puff and I'm saving part 2 for later tonight. Thought I had more time to kill.

    Stick around folks. Hopefully she doesn't go bad on me after resting acouple hours.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 07-09-2020 at 05:21 PM.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    I smoked one a few years back in a different size and it was a solid smoke.

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  5. #3
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Part 2/2


    Relit nicely. Nothing has changed much in the BOTL, to my level of cigar knowledge. I don't know what leather tastes like; I don't have a palete that can discern many subtle nuances that cigar connoisseurs and cigar "intellects" seem to have cultivated, but I do know one thing that has changed since I began this razor-sharp, broadleaf beauty - my interest in the BOTL. The more I smoke it, the more I want to deep dive into the sect of the purist bums within the forum. Do they exist? Not sure. Am I talking out of my keister? Not sure either, but I'm pretty sure I'm on to something I've never really thought of before. There's gotta be a group of bums who don't bother with "flavors", or "nuances", or the trend. This is their kinda cigar. Do i know what I'm talking about? Not really - make But in my Freshy Homelessness ranking/rep to the forum, and the opinion I have as a somewhat cigar noob in general, I think this describes the cigar perfectly. It's not for the masses, it's for those dedicated to the leaf, not the infusions.


    Ok. I talked a lot out of my keister and am now about 1/4 the way into the final third. Same flavor, and don't get me wrong, there's not a bad thing about it being the same. I'm lovin it. Solid, straight, and strong tobacco flavor. Broadleaf is still cutting through my nose. The robust and pure tobacco, no filler, taste is what comes with that razor, and what lingers nicely in my mouth, nose, and everything else attached. My wife hates it, but I'm lovin it. Once again, I had to end it sooner than I would've liked, but I was pretty close to the end. Just wish I could've smoke it till it burned my fingers.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    5/5, 10/10, whatever scale, it was perfect for what it was. The BOTL has shifted my preferences - not a lot, but enough to make me want more broadleaf; more "just tobacco"; more purist-esque cigars. Pricepoint wise, it there with one of my personal game-changers - the 64 Padron Maduro. It's tricky for me to say it's worth the price at the B&M. But, I do think I'd pay the $10-12 if I want this profile/taste again after I base other similar cigars there. While may not be back to the BOTL soon, this is my bar I'll return to, if needed. Best part: all of it.

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    Royal Bum
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    Nicely done CG. I'm not one to identify flavors, but I know when I enjoy a cigar and when I don't. In other words, I have the palette of a goat.
    I enjoyed reading your review, though I usually read or watch reviews, since they have little meaning to what I taste.

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  9. #5
    Administrator jhedrick83's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    I'm digging all these reviews!
    "Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."
    ― Maya Angelou

    Go Vols!

  10. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post

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