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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Dreams Of Cuba Maduro (Churchill)

    Hazelnut sweetness interlaced in a light maduro flavor. Not dark tasting like most maduros in the first 1/3 - 1/2.

    Not peppery. The sweetness shines without it, and pepper would probably be too much of a distraction or would mask it.

    Residual flavor is a very nice and tasty espresso. Sits softly, not heavily, but very noticably in the mouth. It does become more dark maduro tasting and less espresso-like as you progress.

    Around the end of the 1/3, or near the 1/2 mark, the sweetness fades to the background gradually. The darkness of the maduro upticks in strength during this progression.

    Light leather, and/or a licorice-leather is subtly there in the final half, and can be tasted on a slow retrohale.

    Very smooth throughout.

    Burned great and pretty straight throughout.

    Reminded me of the Leaf By Oscar Maduro, by how soft tasting the maduro and body is with that stick.


    Great stick, and an excellent intro to the brand. The sweetness really wow'd me in the 1/2, and I enjoyed the flavor transition towards my prefered darker tasting maduro.
    It still wows me that maduro doesn't equal maduro across the board, and that is highlighted here. It's what makes me both appreciative and more interested in sweeter and softer maduro. Recommended.
    Thanks for the stick! Looking forward to the DOC lancero after this, and glad I have more of those DOC maduros on-hand!

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    Bummin' Around CitizenZero's Avatar
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    Glad you enjoyed it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post
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