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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Cuba Libre The Brute (Gordo)

    [Review Preview]

    Intro / Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Classic case of the Mondays. Wasn't a bad day, just tiresome. Let's wrap up this Monday beautifully, with a niiiiiiiiiiiiiice shit-stick. Never seen this brand outside Cigarbid. I just want a medium smoke, and one that I can toss at any given notice. One buck...who gives a f***.

    Overall Notes:

    Smoked on and off while cooking. Started off with a little pepper, or it just may have been the heat from lighting it. It's built like a shit brickhouse - I didn't know they could pack shit this tight. I'd like to give the roller a nod - you could build your own brick shit house with these. Little nutty on the residual. Bland taste. No tobacco bite. Purist-esque. No flavors, but maybe wood. Overall a tosser...but it was only a buck. One dollar spent well in my opinion, on the fact that I now know this brand first-hand. I'd rather save those bucks and buy something a little better...probably much better...yep, much better.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 07-27-2020 at 09:10 PM.

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