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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Crowned Heads Las Calaveras 2020 (LC46)

    Put this review on the back-burner, and saved what I had typed, not knowing what to do with it. Realized it's good to go in the deep end and change it up more often. I need to get away from the flavor comments for awhile - they're boring me.

    Bold, hearty and full bodied throughout.

    Still get a good sense of an old-school and no-frills kinda vibe that I've mentioned before. Here's kinda where I'm going with this:

    Here, you're not going to Baskin Robbins; or some dumpy place where the staff wears the dumb hats, and try to impress you with flipping a scoop of a frozen product they're calling 'ice cream', or whatever they're hustling. I hate Baskin Robbins and those kinda places (Cold Stone does get a pass). Don't need or want 21+ flavors that come from God know's where and are 'artificially flavored'. Rather go to a awesome ma and pa creamery, and drop the extra cash for the good and real stuff - and that's where you're going, here. I could rant on, but hopefully you're catching on. If not - think...maybe...excellent tobacco flavored ice cream for adults - sound good, eh? Probably not, but this Las Calaveras 2020 sure is.


    Oustanding to superb - can't remember; I just know it was damn good. Definitely need a revisit. Definitely worth checking out the LCs each year. Recommended.

    Thanks again for the cigar!

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  3. #2
    Royal Bum jrfoxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chain_gang View Post
    Put this review on the back-burner, and saved what I had typed, not knowing what to do with it. Realized it's good to go in the deep end and change it up more often. I need to get away from the flavor comments for awhile - they're boring me.

    Bold, hearty and full bodied throughout.

    Still get a good sense of an old-school and no-frills kinda vibe that I've mentioned before. Here's kinda where I'm going with this:

    Here, you're not going to Baskin Robbins; or some dumpy place where the staff wears the dumb hats, and try to impress you with flipping a scoop of a frozen product they're calling 'ice cream', or whatever they're hustling. I hate Baskin Robbins and those kinda places (Cold Stone does get a pass). Don't need or want 21+ flavors that come from God know's where and are 'artificially flavored'. Rather go to a awesome ma and pa creamery, and drop the extra cash for the good and real stuff - and that's where you're going, here. I could rant on, but hopefully you're catching on. If not - think...maybe...excellent tobacco flavored ice cream for adults - sound good, eh? Probably not, but this Las Calaveras 2020 sure is.


    Oustanding to superb - can't remember; I just know it was damn good. Definitely need a revisit. Definitely worth checking out the LCs each year. Recommended.

    Thanks again for the cigar!

    Nice review.
    The last one I had I was told it was a 2020, but when I posted it, someone pointed out that the band said 2015. Hadn't even noticed that.
    Had to go back and correct the posts about it on all my forums. Very tasty though.

    I have probably already asked you, but my memory is fried, so i don't recall.
    Have you tried a 2019?
    What did you think of it if so?

    Have one in my cart for tomorrow's nc order

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrfoxx View Post
    I have probably already asked you, but my memory is fried, so i don't recall.
    Have you tried a 2019?
    What did you think of it if so?

    Have one in my cart for tomorrow's nc order
    Yes - had two this month. I did review it on the first, but never got around to a secondary update:

    The updated, second-smoke judgement, would've been much higher and recommended, and said something about not knowing why the first just didn't do it for me. Maybe two would be better in your cart - but I'm also pretty new to a lot of stuff, and since you enjoyed the 15, you'd probably be ok with one. Can't go wrong with more, though.

    From memory, I'd say the 2019 was:

    -Not as bold and robust as the 2020. Still full bodied, though.

    -More zingy-peppery than the 2020. 2019's pepper reminded me of the Four Kicks pepper profile, but not as pepper-heavy.

    -Bit buttery and pancake-battery.

    -Similar to the 2020 in that it's a lot more natural tobacco flavored. The 2018 was much more deep and darker earthy. Can't recall 2017, but I wanna say it was more in-line with the 19-20.

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  7. #4
    Royal Bum jrfoxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chain_gang View Post
    Yes - had two this month. I did review it on the first, but never got around to a secondary update:

    The updated, second-smoke judgement, would've been much higher and recommended, and said something about not knowing why the first just didn't do it for me. Maybe two would be better in your cart - but I'm also pretty new to a lot of stuff, and since you enjoyed the 15, you'd probably be ok with one. Can't go wrong with more, though.

    From memory, I'd say the 2019 was:

    -Not as bold and robust as the 2020. Still full bodied, though.

    -More zingy-peppery than the 2020. 2019's pepper reminded me of the Four Kicks pepper profile, but not as pepper-heavy.

    -Bit buttery and pancake-battery.

    -Similar to the 2020 in that it's a lot more natural tobacco flavored. The 2018 was much more deep and darker earthy. Can't recall 2017, but I wanna say it was more in-line with the 19-20.
    Appreciate the link and info.

    Not sure how your review didn't show up in my search,but Tapatalk search seems to generally suck, so...

    Looking forward to smoking it. Have really enjoyed both crowned heads I have had, so I'm curious to try more
    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

  8. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post
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